Room for One more

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a/n i thought this one was interesting. 

"Dinner was amazing, Pema!" Korra leaned back, patting her stomach. Pema smiled and nodded her thanks.

"Anytime, Korra. Thank you for joining us. You too, Asami. It's always a pleasure having you girls here. Isn't it, Tenzin?"

Tenzin stroked his beard, smiling contently at his wife. "Yes, yes it is. I'm heading outside to meditate for a few hours before bed. Does anyone care to join me?" As Tenzin extended his invitation, he peered around the table at his family and finally rested his gaze upon Korra.

"Hard pass." Meelo's response was immediate, but before he could hurry out of the room, his hand was caught by his father's who stood and headed towards the exit, pulling the squirming boy behind him and stooping to pick up his youngest child.

"Ikki, Meelo, Rohan- you will all join me. I think it will do you good. Korra? Jinora?" Korra sighed and was about to rise to follow behind her mentor, but Jinora caught her sleeve.

"Korra I...actually, would it be ok if I spent some time with you and Asami? I feel like I don't see you as much as I used to." Her voice was low, which was very unlike Jinora, and Asami found the invitation to be strange in how incorrect it was. They'd been at the temple at least once a week in the past few months, and Jinora conferenced with Korra often. Still, she smiled at the girl and nodded.

"Sure! Who am I to turn down girl time? We're in." Korra's crooked smile met them a moment later. "Sorry, Tenzin. Looks like we already have plans." She stood and stretched, only to have her arm tugged by the younger of the two sisters.

"No fair! I want time with Korra, too!" Ikki pouted, stomping towards Tenzin. "Daddy, can't I go?"

"Well-" Korra was cut off by a small squeeze at her fingertips, and when she looked back, Jinora was looking at her hopefully. She shook her head slightly, a small blush gracing her cheeks. Asami caught the action too, and before Korra could react, the engineer put both hands on Ikki's shoulders.

"Without you, who'll teach your brothers how to meditate? Next time, the five of us will go out into town while Jinora stays with your father."

"You make it sound like a punishment." Tenzin mused, stroking his beard. Asami winked at him and cupped Ikki's cheek.

"It'll be fun, I promise! You don't want to listen to icky retellings of meetings and spirit world chatter. If it didn't help Future Industries, I'd be out meditating with you, too." She tweaked her nose. "So please be patient. Once you get your tattoos, you won't be able to sneak out of it anymore."

Ikki looked unconvinced, but she nodded once and turned on her heel to join Tenzin and her brothers. Asami made her way back to The girls, waving to Pema who went off to do the dishes.

"Want to take a walk, then?" Korra asked cheerfully. "Maybe we can all spar together!"

"Well, actually, I was hoping we could maybe talk." Jinora fiddled with her hair. She wouldn't meet their gaze, and Asami swatted Korra lightly on the arm to catch her attention. Korra looked at her questioningly but didn't push.

"Well then, do you maybe want to go to my room?" Korra offered, but Jinora shook her head.

"Ikki and Meelo would barge into your room as soon as they were dismissed and I was hoping it could be a little more...I don't want them to..." she struggled with the words, twisting a strand of hair through her fingers tight enough to leave a mark. So very un-Jinora.

"We'll go to my room." Asami said easily. "Your dad was nice enough to allow me a lock, at least. I don't think I've ever gotten any surprise visits from any kids whenever I stay here." She smoothed the hair out of the younger girl's grip. "Go get into your night things. No point in being uncomfortable."

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