Chapter 1- Who da fuk is u?

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Nobody P.O.V:

Y/n was watching Tv like she usually does on a Friday because she doesn't have a single friend to talk to cuz she literally moved in the woods away from civilization like someone who wants to be murdered. (Y/n: F You too Author-chan!) (Me: Whatever and Stop breaking the fourth wall you dumbass) (Y/n: Ugh! Fine Whatever!)

Your Pov:

Omg I finna sleep!  I'm Tierd Af! I closed my eyes and was about to go off to dream land when the Sky had other plans. I saw somethings big shoot past my window, I bolted up and watch the wierd metalic thing start to crash further in the woods. I quickly through on my shoes and jacket and ran after it, I knew deep down I probably shouldn't but screw it. I watched as it crashed in a more open area, from what I can tell it was an Alien space ship.

 I watched as it crashed in a more open area, from what I can tell it was an Alien space ship

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My eyes widened that it was an actual Space ship! Omg! I thought Aliens we're fake! Wait...what if it kills me or take over the world!?!? I grabbeda thick branch that was close by ready for anything to pop out, I watched as the ship started smoking and making wierd noises. I was a good distance away from it but good lord I should have ran away! My heart was pumping so fast, I could literal hear my brain telling me to run but did I listen? Of course not! I stayed there waiting for whatever that was in there to come out. I saw the door of the ship open and saw an Alien! He had Light blue spiked hair with black eyes and blue irises, he also had four arms and a wierd futurists type of jumpsuit, his skin was blue as well.

I dropped my stick and stared jaw dropped before I regain my composer

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I dropped my stick and stared jaw dropped before I regain my composer. I don't know what came over me but...he looked almost cute which is wierd to say about an Alien because...its an Alien. I didn't realise there was a twig in front of you which I stepped on.


It was loud to say the least, I saw him turn his head and stare at me wide-eyed and same as well. It was almost a staring contest on how long us two we're  just staring at each other. I took a deep breath and watched as he causally  walked over to me like I was a threat!

???: C-can you u-understand me H-human?

I couldn't believe on what I was hearing! How can he speak perfect English?!? And why is HE so scared?!

Y/n: How can you speak English?!?

???: Oh! So this is the right language! Good to know

He seemed to be happy about this but why is he? What even is he? This is why I should have just ran when I had a chance...

Y/n: Um W-who are you?

???: Oh! I forgot you humans are like fond of introductions! Hmm...I don't know if my name can be translated in your language but most of my Colleague's call me Xander! (Zan-Der)And I heard it was custom of other humans to say there names as well!

Y/n: That's a cool name I guess...Mines is Y/n

Xander: Whoa! Human names are so cool!

Y/n: Thanks...Um If you don't mind me asking...What are you doing here?

Xander: Heh! Grand of you to ask! Well back on my Planet Korex (Core-Ex) our chief Commander Xalex (Za- Lex) wanted some of us to go through the Galaxy and see if there was any other planet in the solar system that could support life like mine! I was one of the lucky 10 that got chosen to explore, I happen to fly past your Solar system and while I was coming into your Planets orbit I was hit by a Meteor that knocked my ship off it's coordinated and made me crash land into this very land!

Y/n: Whoa! That so awesome! But how will you get home now?

Xander: That's the problem my planet is Over billions of light years away so it would be a while until I could fix this but I did give a distress signal and they should be here!

Y/n: And How long will that be until they get it?

Xander: Well from what I can see...about 6 months from now!

Y/n: 6 months! Jeez that is a very long time for them to get it don't you think?

Xander: Well...That is the only way for me to get home until them and like you humans it takes longer to build such creations

I looked at him kinda sad, because it must of suck being do far from being home. I can't believe I'm doing this..

Y/n: So where are you going to stay at until then?

Xander: That I do not know...

Y/n: Maybe you could stay with me at my house until then?

Xander: Wait? Are you serious?

Y/n: Yeah! I live alone so it's only me there so no biggie as long as you behave yourself then sure!

Xander: That is extrodanary news! I am very thankful of your generosity Human!

I smile at him softly as I walk back to my house as he followed behind.

I have made a huge mistake

Alien Space Boy x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now