Chapter 2- Strangely Cute?

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Your P.O.V:

It's been two days since the crash and by far, I would have to say that Xander is literally the cutest thing to exist which is kind of weird to say about an Alien but it's true! He walks around like a child wondering about everything! He even asked you to explain how your two kittens and two puppies make you feel and played with them! It was so cute I swear!

Xander: Um Human Y/n?

Y/n: Uh yeah Xander? Do you need something?

Xander: Well.... Can you explain what those things are and clarify if there dangerous?

I looked over to see your kittens and puppy being adorable little babies and play fighting with each other.

I looked over to see your kittens and puppy being adorable little babies and play fighting with each other

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(Fack! I killed myself with this cuteness!!)

I could see that he was scared but wanted to touch them,I honestly could have died of cuteness overload after I said that they were harmless.

Y/n: What? Of course not! They are the most innocent things in the world! They are completely harmless...they are puppies and kittens! They are actually babies so I take care of them and love them for ever!

Xander: O-oh...May I touch them? I promise that I will not hurt them!

I looked at him and back at my animals, I slightly giggled at him and said yes. He looked kinda surprised but walked over to them and was shaking a little before poking each of them with his arms. Your puppies tried to bark and be scary but only looked more cute then possible and your kittens hit his hand like getting hit with a cotton ball. He picked up your kitten and gently pet it before you could see his hair and eyes change from blue to pink. He grabbed your other animals and sat down and simultaneous pet each one in a almost dazed way. You sighed on how cute he was being but let it go.

Hmm...maybe having an Alien here wont be so bad after all 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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