Pref #36-Mornings Blurb

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Pref #36-Mornings Blurb


I think Ashton would be the first to wake up. Being such a sweetheart, he would plan on going downstairs to make you both a cup of tea. He would shuffle to the door as quietly as possible to avoid waking you, but the second he opened the door, he would accidentally trip over his feet. This would cause a loud bang to ring out, waking you up. "Ash? Are you okay?" you immediately questioned. "Yeah, I'm good. Go back to bed beautiful," he said. Too tired to argue, you would listen, closing your eyes and quickly drifting off once more. Nearly a half hour later, you would be awoken to a sweet kiss on your lips, opening your eyes to see your boyfriend looking down at you. "Good morning baby, I made you some tea," he said, his lips creeping into a smile.


You would nearly always wake up before Michael. The only reason he would be up first is if he had to work, or if it were a special occasion such as your birthday or your anniversary. Not wanting to wake Michael up, you'd usually just lay in bed for a while, admiring your sleeping boyfriend and wondering how you got so lucky. Eventually, you'd get restless and quietly go downstairs. You would begin making breakfast, which quite often was pancakes or waffles. As soon as you made the batter, you would begin making them on the stove. Without warning, you'd suddenly feel strong, familiar arms wrap around your waist from behind. Michael would kiss your cheek and say "Good morning princess."


I think you would usually wake up first, but you wouldn't have to wait for long for Calum to follow. When you woke up, you would put your headphones in and listen to music for a while, never moving from your place in Calum's arms. You'd quickly get bored and begin lightly tracing Calum's tattoos with your finger. "What are you doing babe?" you would suddenly hear. You'd look up to see him grinning at you. "Nothing," you'd answer as a blush crept up on your cheeks. He would laugh and say "Morning baby," then kiss the top of your head. "Morning," you'd say, as your lips curled into a small smile.


I think Luke would wake first. He would move over until he was right next to you. He would put his arm around you and kiss your shoulder, whispering "Good morning beautiful." You'd usually wake up as soon as he did this. You'd open your eyes with a smile and say "Good morning Lukey." You would then roll over and kiss him. You both would just lay there for a while, no words being exchanged, just cuddling. After a while you would decide to get up. You would follow Luke downstairs and then go make breakfast together, which involved a lot of singing and laughter. 

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