"The Trap House"

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Jake's Pov
I hear something outside of the abandoned store I was in. I grabbed a knife with my purple hands. (He was dyeing his hair purple).

I start walking to the front of the store and grab another knife, so I had two knifes in my possession. Once I'm close to the front I jump over the front desk, silently. I found my gun.

I throw the bell on the desk, to attract the thing, I honestly don't know what it is. And out the darkness comes about 15 zombies I didn't count. "Hey bitches, come and get me" I yell, they come speed walking over to me.

I shoot the ones in the very back first, then I do an aerial cartwheel over the group of zombies shooting some of them in the others zombies I shot normally. "Now I need to get out of here, before more come" I say, running down the aisle,  first I grab two bookbags, one with weapons the other with food water and clothes.  I run to where I was before I heard the zombies and wash my hair out.

"This was the worst day to dye my hair" I state after washing the dye out.
I shake my hair dry, well attempted to, and ran out the store.

I stop walking when I hear a twig crack.  I pull out two guns and point the to my left and right.

The sound of footsteps get closer, and I get more anxious some people come out of the bushes, two to my right, and three to my left "we don't want to hurt you" a guy with a man bun said slowly."Corey he's not an alien, he can speak" A older looking guy with a beard said to, who I'm guessing is Corey.

"But he might not speak English" A boy with blonde hair spoke "He looks like he's about to shoot everyone" A tall guy with light brown hair said. "We're not going to hurt you,  do you need help" A guy with dark brown hair said getting closer to me.

I pointed both of my guns at him, it was my instincts that told me they weren't dangerous. "Put the guns down, look I put mine down" He said putting his gun on the ground, I felt everyone's eyes on me, it made me anxious.

As he put his gun I saw a zombie behind him, so before he could get up I shot. I heard the others guns pick up, I take my mask out of my pocket, put it on.

"I didn't hurt him" I said moving out the way "Colby get your ass over here" The guy with the beard said "he just saved my life" Colby says talking about me, I think that's his name. "Welp gotta bounce" I say about to run away.

"Wait" Colby says, now I'm kinda irradiate. I turn around and say "what.." "Come with us" He said my eyes widen, I look at the other people they seem to not mind.

"R...really" I asked confused "yeah, you wanna come,  by the wwhay we're the trap house." I look at them and nod "I'll come" I walk over to them.

They all turn around and start walking and talking. I walk slowly behind them,  tears in my ready to fall 'someone in this distorted world wants me' at that thought the tears run down my cheeks, I put the hood of my 'No Name' hoodie on, so my eyes and tears are hidden.

To Be Continued

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