Issue 17

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"Enough with the damn suspense and cliff-hanger shit," said Frank.

There had been a long pause. Perhaps for dramatic effect. Perhaps to clear his throat. Perhaps to ponder over what he was to say.

"I don't quite know how to explain. Without a long-winded, drawn out explanation," replied Custos.

"Just hit us with it. It doesn't have to be a big thing. You just tear off that band-aid," replied Frank.

"But, it is a big thing. At least I believe it is, it certainly isn't a band-aid," said Custos, his hand stroking his beard while staring at a vacant, white wall. He took a deep breath before continuing. "Okay, so basically Salman Ali knew that I was the one responsible for the death of his children. It was made to look as if it were a random attack. This was a common MO of the Speron government, I just did not know how common. He told me some things about myself, told me that he forgave me, he knew that I was carrying out orders, he knew everything about me and I mean everything. He told me that he knew the things that I thought I knew, but those things that I thought I knew were not things that I knew."

"What the crap is he talking about? I have no clue. That is a doozy of a sentence to wrap my pretty, little head around. It sure is. He knew the things that you thought you knew, but those things that you knew were not what you thought you knew that you didn't think you knew? I'm pretty sure that's wrong, Frank. Well, whatever it was, what does it even mean?" shouted Frank throwing his arms into the air and waving them around like a crazy person. The others were watching. Silent, like good children. Confused.

"I don't know. But what he did tell me is that this..." he held up a small memory key, "...holds the answers. That a simple command to the Guardian coupled with the use of this key, would cause her to befriend you. That command is simply calling her by her name. Her name is Shahida. On this memory key is another AI program.

"He told me a story about how Shahida and Amir used to hold hands on the way to school. He described this AI, which he called; Amir, as a companion to Shahida. It would take temporary control of Shahida away from Spero and hand it to the person in possession of the key. He told me when the time was right, I should use it. Right the wrongs of my past and get revenge."

"What do you mean 'revenge'?" asked Carla.

"I mean revenge on the people in power. For what they have stolen away from us all. For all that they have done to the people. For what they have done to the world. Did you know that the model for the Hunters has been copied by other countries? To a much lesser extent, but they have spread this disease of paranoia, control and fear to other places."

If it weren't for his training, he would have hesitated with his answer and would have had to disclose more about himself than he was comfortable with. He would have had to tell them the truth. For now, he was telling them everything that he wanted them to hear.

"The people don't even know this is happening," said Carla, "they don't know what Spero does. It isn't on the news, there are literally millions of people who believe that they're making a living and following their own paths, that they are safe because of the government."

"Yes, which is why we have to show them the truth. Weaken the beast and leave these people with a fighting chance," replied Custos.

"You want to challenge the government, throw people's lives into chaos and then split? Poke the beast and let it run rampant as we make a break for it? The people have already heard the truth and every time they have been struck down. Why the hell would you think this would be any different?" asked Carla.

"We have the chance to change things here. But not as long as it's just seven of us. We need to escape, for the greater good."

"I dunno about you guys," said Frank, standing to face them, "but I am dying to put my foot right up the ass of government, after all they have done to us. After all we have done for those mother fuckers?"

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