PART 2♥️

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Avni Nd Riya are sleeping peacefully nd enjoying their dreams in Lala land😍😍😍😍..................
All of sudden a huge sound comes TRING TRING....................And they wake up with a sudden jerk ............😨😨😨😨😨
Avni:Arey yar Riya how many times I told u not to keep alarm near my ears but u never listen 😡 c now wt will I dooo..............
She starts hitting Riya with pillow.........
Riya:(defending herself from pillows) no babes I didn't keep any alarm ,c my phone is switched off then how wld I keep.oh now I understand it's ur phone not mine nd because of ur stupid alarm my beauty sleep got destroyed..
Saying this she started hitting Avni ......
Both were hitting each other then suddenly a pair of hands squeezes their ears .......
Avni:ouchhhhhh.... ahhhhhhh.......
They started screaming 😱
Avni:maaa plzzz leave nooo plzzz it's painfully ahhh.....
Riya:yes mom plzz leave Nd moreover i didn't start fight Avni started plzz leave me maaa ahhhhh......
Avni was glaring Riya 😡
Neela: first of all did you both see the time it's 7:45 and you both are lying on the bed till  now don't you wanna to go to work  today.
Now Avni Nd Riya looks at time and gets shocked 😮 .......
Neela: Tum dono 22 years ke hogaye ho but phir bhi itne late tak Sothe Rehte hooo ..... god knows when u both get some brain .now go Nd get ready iam waiting down for ur break fast be there in 30 minutes u both.
Neela leaves saying this not before glaring them ..😒
As soon as Neela went out of the room Riya Nd Avni burst into laughter and ran to washroom (thankgod there are two washrooms 😜)

They both came down after getting ready..
Riya loved makeup so she usually is found in makeup Nd Avni does very little makeup...
Avni dress

Riya dress

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Riya dress

They took blessing of dayawanti nd went to Ashish took his blessings Nd hugged him Nd then ran too kitchen Found their mom cooking Nd understood she is still angry so they both went Nd hugged her from both sides Nd kissed her cheeks Avni:maa plzzz...

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They took blessing of dayawanti nd went to Ashish took his blessings Nd hugged him Nd then ran too kitchen
Found their mom cooking Nd understood she is still angry so they both went Nd hugged her from both sides Nd kissed her cheeks
Avni:maa plzzz na sorry from tomorrow we will wake up early promise plzzz .... smile nooooo......
Riya:yes mom Nd we will not even fight like today plzzz talk to us plzzz Nd we will also be good girls right avni?
Avni:yes maaa plz talk noo .......
Meanwhile Neela was enjoying this Nd she smiled Nd hugged her daughters
Neela: ok now enough of ur drama (she said while pulling their cheeks )
A voice from behind "this is not fair mom u forgot me"
Neela:aww my amuuu how can I forget u ur my elder son Aman no how can I forget u .
Saying this she left Avni Nd Riya Nd went too Aman Nd hugged him .
Avni Nd Riya were looking in a shocking expression....
Riya:hawww how bad maa ur son came so u left us.......
Avni:don't worry Riya we have papa we will go to him ....
Saying this they ran to Ashish Nd hugged him Nd saw Aman by making their tongue 😛 out .
Dayawanti:ok now enough of ur crazyness come let's have breakfast till 8 already come let's have .
All moved to dinning table had their breakfast Nd left for work.

Neil returned from police station Nd was lying on sofa holding a picture in his hand
Neil:(to photograph ):how could u do this to me...... how can u cheat mee when I have loved u so much .U promised me we shall marry after returning to India but can u not fulfill ur promise howww can u do thissssss.................................................................
Neil sobbing so badly suddenly Nisha Nd DD come over there
DD : sirji wt happened is happened so plzz forget it nd move on that is the only way for us so plzz forget her sirji.
Nisha:not again Neil u can't breakdown again u need to be strong at least for ur family I know she has very important role in ur life but now she left so forget her Nd move on dude.
Neil: u know Nisha she made me learn wt is love Nd now when I understood wt is love she left me how can she ......😭😭😭😭
Neil:But iam glad she made me learn not to believe a person so damm easily Nd don't trust a person Nd for that thing I will be thankful to her
Neil gets up from sofa Nd washes his face Nd says to himself
Neil(to himself):Neil ur not week u can't get week so become strong Nd face the world u can do it yes Mr.Neil Khanna u can do it .............
Nisha Nd DD looks at him with a small smile........
Neil:Nisha DD I booked my ticket to India tomorrow morning so iam going morning itself
Nisha:wt tomorrow morning Nd ur saying us now but y so soon?
Neil:sry yar I shd I have said u before but yeah I'm going by morning flight Nd wt abt u both when r u coming
DD:sir the case we took up will finish in a week so I will be coming in a week
Nisha:as my job has more a month so I will be coming in a month to India
Neil:fine then I will be leaving early so good night byeee
Nisha: now ur not even going to hug us Nd say bye haa??
DD:haaaa sirji u forgot us so soon........
Neil:plz yar don't start ur drama again come......
They three hug each other nd say bye to each other nd leave to respective houses
Neil goes to bed nd thinks abt past Nd his upcoming future Nd drove into sleep..

PRECAP:Avneil meeting♥️♥️♥️♥️

So hope u people like this plzzz yar vote Nd comment plzzzzzz😍😍😍

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