PART 4♥️

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Soon Meera comes there Nd sees the situation and rushes to Avni .................
Meera:yar Avni wt is all these Nd who is this man......Nd wt r the wounds on him .........Nd y is he in ur armsss...........(she was continuously talking with out letting Avni talk)say Avni y r u not saying anything?r u hiding anything from me say Avni?
Avni:wt shut ur mouth!nd let me speak ,nd I will say all this later first let's take him to hospital come we will go to car
Old lady:thanks a lot dear u not only saved our money but u also saved my grand daughter thanks a lot nd iam sry because of us u both r facing this problems sry for that
Avni:plz don't be sry it's our responsibility as a citizen to help each other nd abt him I will take care of his treatment so don't worry he wld be fine nd now u take care

The lady similes Nd Avni takes Neil to car with help of Meera Nd Meera drives car Nd Avni makes Neil lie in back seat Nd sits with him at back............
Soon they reach to Mehta hospital Nd Avni takes him to room Nd starts treating him................
Avni:(to nurse)get me some medicine Nd get the bandage Nd a detol Nd this syringes fast........
Avni:nd u bring some cotton Nd some water to clean the wound ............
She starts cleaning his wound on his head Nd bandages it Nd slowly he gets conscious .........................
Neil:(still in half conscious)ahhh...... doctor it's painful (with closed eyes)
Avni:ohh really Nd when u went to save me without even thinking twice then was it not painful (sarcastically)
Neil:(opening his eyes)u here I know I saved u from goons but that doesn't mean u shd also save me ok ,Nd it's not a game that I save u Nd then u save me plzz let doctors treat me u go Nd don't worry I will be fine Nd u go out.
(Neil don't know that Avni is a doctor 😂)
Avni:(with wt the look Nd trying to act normal)nurse plz get some more cotton Nd get me some spirit Nd where r the injection plz get them fast
Neil is not understanding WTs going on .................
Neil:look miss...?who ever u r plz let doctors do their work I know u want to help coz I helped u but that doesn't sense that u do my treatment plzzzz gooo Nd let them do their work go, Nd I don't understand that y these all r agreeing u I guess u bought me to a bad hospital or else y wld anyone allow someone like u.............
Neil was going on saying all the nonsense then suddenly Avni got irritated Nd plastered his mouth with bandage 😷😂................. all the nurses were suppressing their laughter............
Neil was shocked by this before he removes .........
Avni:listen mister iam a doctor not any random person to treat u iam Dr.Avni Nd this hospital is not a bad one but its best hospital Mehta hospital u understand .nd if u then can I do my work ....
Avni says all this in a stern voice Nd starts opening his shirt buttons.....
Neil:ok I got it ur doctor but wt r u doing opening my shirt Nd taking advantage of my situation ahhhhh wt a doctor u are don't u feel shame to take advantage of a man like this (saying this he covers his upper body with his hands)
Avni was so damm irritated by now Nd all others were suppressing their laugh Nd Neil was looking into Avni eyes which were now in red due to anger
Avni:stop it ok ,r u out of ur senses I guess the wound on ur head is so deep that it stoped ur brain to work.ur saying iam taking advantage of uuuuuu. R u serious like in this whole world if ur the only man left then also I would not even look at u.nd now open ur shirt so that I can clean ur wound Nd bandage it ok!
Neil:(gives a wt ever look to Avni then a ward boy comes Nd helps Neil to open his shirt )Nd by the way ur seriously a doctor I mean u don't look like that?
Avni:wt sort of question is that I don't look like a doctor now for that shd I take a board over my head writing "iam a doctor" on it ?😒
Avni was treating him Nd he was talking Nd irritating her with his questions......
Neil:I didn't mean that like c u from any angle u don't look like doctor like ur dressing style or anything he says Nd laughs 😂😂😂
(Actually avni was wearing this)

Neil:I didn't mean that like c u from any angle u don't look like doctor like ur dressing style or anything he says Nd laughs 😂😂😂(Actually avni was wearing this)

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Avni looks at herself Nd thinks it's cool then y is he saying Nd glares at him.....😡😡
Nd pokes little with needle........
Neil:(shouts in pain)ahhhhhh...... maaaaa....... c I told u ur not a doctor which doctor wld poke the patient.......
Avni was laughing by now
Avni:hahaaaa u only told I don't behave as a doctor so .........take it now hahaaaaaaaaa...........
Neil was glaring her Nd all others were enjoying this Tom Nd Jerry fight
Nd Neil's treatment also completed by now he got up from bed Nd came out ......... Nd Avni went to her cabin Nd Neil to came their Nd he messaged a person to come ......
Avni:so mr.... who r u nd what do u do Nd shd I inform ur family ?
Neil:it's not needed miss Avni I can handle my self Nd I don't say my name to strangers he said with a smirk.....
Avni:(she gave him wt the look ) so u can risk ur life for strangers but can't say ur name wowwwww actually I wanted to thank u for saving me but after u irritating me this much I don't feel like thanking u😒
Neil:don't worry miss Avni u wld thank me for sure Nd Neil Khanna knows how to do things according to him......oops I told u my name but no props now u know that a person called Neil Khanna saved ur life that to a doctors life so remember ok!
Avni:ohh god ur to self obsessed I guess Nd abt ur thanks iam not going to say that so for now u can leave mr.khanna Nd come for ur check up that to if ur free from ur self obsession............😏😏
Saying this Avni leaves thr cabin to check patients..........
Neil to himself:this girl is so different I never met someone like her anyways miss Avni I will get my thank u soon from u
Nd his thoughts are disturbed by a voice of a person whom Neil messaged to pick him .........
Neil gets up Nd thinks abt Avni once again..............
He smiles to himself Nd leaves the place..........................................

PRECAP:more avneil Tom nd Jerry fight 😂😂😂😂😂

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