Last day of summer

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A/N: So this is the first ever one shot I've written. I hope you enjoy it! Feedback is always welcome! Let me know what you think about it. :)

You were at the Burrow, enjoying your last day of Summer with your boyfriend George, his lovely family, Harry and Hermione . You and Hermione were lying under a big cherry blossom tree, watching the rest of the Weasleys and Harry playing Quidditch. You and George (and Fred) had been best friends since the first day when all three of you were sorted into Gryffindor. But in the fourth year both of your feelings started to mix in and with a very cute Christmas present George asked you to be his girlfriend. All went well and you were now in a relationship of 7 months. You couldn't be any happier, either could mrs. Weasley. She was so happy, you and George fell in love because she thought fondly of you. 

The quidditch match was over as Harry caught the snitch. They all flew to the ground and came walking to you and Hermione to start this big picnic, yourself, Hermione and mrs. Weasley had prepared. George sat down next to you and gave you a peck on the lips, which still made you feel butterflies everywhere. He told you about their victory. From which he got a piece of baguette thrown to him by his older twin, clearly not happy with the outcome of the game. You laughed at their glances to each other. 

When the picnic was over and everyone had their tummies full. You and George went up to his room and laid in his bed. Not saying much, just enjoying each others company and resting out your after dinner dip. You lay with your head on George's chest and listened to his heartbeat which always calmed you down. George was stroking your hair and seemed to say something which you didn't understand. "Huh?" you said looking up at him. "I love you y/n", George said, now a bit louder but still in a sweet and loving way. You felt tears prick behind your eyes as this was  the first time he let those three words escape his mouth. "I love you too, Georgie" you said back leaning in for a kiss. When your lips met, sparks flew, just like they always did but this time you experienced them 1000 times more vividly. You both smiled into your kiss. 

"Well I'm glad that turned out fine." George said grinning, you laughed and replied: "Yes, yes that did." You leaned in to kiss him again, but he backed away, which left you confused. "Let's save that for tonight, okay?" George said wiggling his eyebrows. You laughed and said: "Okay, but then you have to try and beat me at Quidditch." You ran downstairs, followed by George, laughing your butts of, as you always did. 

Let's just say you were a good loser, and maybe even let some Quaffles go by you as you were defending your teams goals. And hey, a deal is a deal....

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