Lost In Translation

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  "Oh, I definitely needed this." I said while taking the offered coffee from Tony.

  "What the Hell happened to you?" The man sort of cringed while looking me up and down, seeing the cuts and bruises from the sparring match with an alien.

  "Started attending a fighting class." I quickly lied, but it didn't look as if Tony could tell it wasn't the truth.

  "Ouch. Why would you do that?"

  "So I can take down huge ass bastards." Sipping on the coffee, I plopped down into my chair at my desk.

  "Can't you use your gun for that?"

  "What if I don't have my gun on me? Or it gets taken away from me?" Leaning over, I grabbed a file from the basket on the edge of my desk. "Why am I getting all this damn paperwork?"

  "Since your case got jacked by the FBI, they have to give you something to do while the rest of us are-"

  "Arresting prostitutes and drug dealers. Real productive."

  "We're cracking down on the gangs, too, okay."

  "Mmm. You hear anything new on the skinned gang members?"

  "No, we've been totally cut out of the loop."

  "Great." My tone dripped with sarcasm. "So, what are you doing at my desk rather than doing your job, Gonzalez?" The man took a drink from his own coffee before replying.

  "I was going to ask you to dinner."


  "Well, we've actually been working together- or, were, but, you know- and I thought your answer would be different this time around."

  "Look, you seem like a nice guy, Tony." I set my cup down on my desk and flipped open the file. "But you're not my type."

  "Then what is your type?"

  "Not a coworker."

  "Come on, Leila. That the only reason?"

  "Reason enough for me." I stated while shrugging and started working despite Tony staring at me.

  "You got a boyfriend, don't you? Why didn't you just say so?" I most definitely did not have a boyfriend.

  "Because it's none of your business."

  "What's he like? Gotta be something if you're turning me down for him." Tony chuckled while having a joking tone.

  "Tall." I replied, tapping away at the computer keys while looking at the screen in front of me and nothing else.

  "Tall? Is that it?" I could feel the man's eyes on me, and seeing as I didn't actually have a boyfriend, I had no idea how else to describe the imaginary man.

  "Buff. Doesn't talk much. Real workaholic."

  "Oh, what's he do for work?" 'Shit....uh....what the fuck do I say?'

  "Hunter." I cleared my throat. "Bounty hunter."

  "Oh, shit. So you like scary guys, huh? No wonder."

  "No wonder what?"

  "No wonder my charms don't work on you." Tony chuckled. "I may be manly, but boy, I am not scary."

  "Mm." I hummed as the man sat on the edge of my desk.

  "What else?"


Leila of the Concrete Jungle [Book Three]Where stories live. Discover now