⛓Coffee Went Cold⛓

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*WARNING: Mature content ahead, proceed at own risk*
[Contains: Exophilia, Size Difference, Feral Behavior, Biting, Internal Genitalia, Vaginal Sex, Hair Pulling, Cum]

  Standing in front of the coffee pot as I watched the dark liquid brew, I leaned against the island while still in my pajamas and wrapped up in my blanket. I had worked until late last night- or would it be considered early this morning?

  Yawning, I felt Panther rubbing up against my ankles while purring.

  "I already fed you, hush." I tiredly grumbled, not looking away from the bubbling coffee pot. Panther circled back around, meowing to get my attention, and I made a face. "I'm not feeding you again, you spoiled bra-" I cut off as something bumped against my head and I heard a rumbling noise like a distant storm. My cheeks turned pink.

  It was too early to deal with this.

  "Kv'var-de, you can't just do that." The big alien leaned back only to wave both of his hands in the cat's direction. "That's different." He tilted his head to the side while crossing his arms. He was getting pretty good at human body language....

  Wait. How long had it been since he got here? 'Oh, shit. It's already been almost two months?'

  "Panther is a pet. An animal. You are not." Lifting an arm from underneath the blanket, I opened a cabinet to grab a mug. Setting it on the counter, I picked up the coffee pot and poured the steaming liquid into the black mug. I heard the refrigerator open, and then the creamer was placed on the counter. "Thanks." I mumbled, taking it and adding the contents to my drink.

  I couldn't fathom why this ridiculous alien was still at my house. I mean, it's not as if he slept here or anything, he was just here during random hours of the day and then off doing who knows what while I was at work. Glancing at Kv'var-de from the corner of my eyes, I wondered if maybe he actually did sleep here and I just hadn't caught him yet.

  I still couldn't figure out how he kept getting in, to begin with since every door and window was locked at all times. But, then again, I wouldn't be surprised if he had some lock-picking tech or whatnot. His people were obviously much more advanced than we were.

  Turning to lean on the counter, I took a sip from my mug.


  "So, he's a cat. Despite how you act, you are not a cat."


  "So you can't just headbutt me and start purrin' like he does. It's weird when you do it." His brows furrowed and he plucked Panther up from the floor, huffed at me, then turned to walk away. "Motherfucker, you better put him down." I had a warning tone, and the alien only looked over his shoulder at me, not listening in the slightest. "What, are you jealous?" I scoffed. "Shit, I didn't know your kind were so affectionate and delicate."

  "Not delicate." He stopped in his tracks.

  "Delicate." I repeated, sipping on my coffee while raising my brows. "Soft."




  "So soft. Tenderhearted. Sensitive."

  "Shut up. I am not." He dropped the cat, eyeing me as I chuckled at his reaction.


  "Strong." Kv'var-de huffed while hitting his chest with a fist.

  "Soft." It was nice to have our roles reversed for once. He was always calling me weak, so I guess now I could call him soft in return.

  My mind went blank when his large hands grabbed me under my arms and easily lifted me up off the floor. My head nearly touched the ceiling and I did the only thing I could think of as a response- sipped my coffee. The blanket fell to the floor, but I sure as Hell wasn't going to drop my drink.

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