How Everything Changed

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Life hadn't always been fight, kill, survive. I remember when i used to have a regular life. I used to have nine to five job working at the hospital taking ponies blood samples. I always assumed thats why my cutie mark was a blood splat, but I later learned it was for something totally diffrent. I'm getting ahead of myself though let me start from the beginning.

It had been the beginning of a normal week. It was Monday when we got word from the Crystal Kingdom of a new virus spreading. This virus would cause the victim to become weak, have severe twitching, there skin would start to become pale, and then strike a high fever before dying.

We hadn't received our first patent until that Friday. He had just visited the Crystal Kingdom the week before and had just started experiencing the side effects this morning. As usual I took his blood as soon as we got him situated in the intensive care unit. I left and went to go have his blood tested; when I returned an hour later as a light blue doctor and his white colored nurse where leaving the patents room pronouncing him dead. The hospital morgue staff came to retrieve the body; they were moving the body into the body bag as I was putting his blood sample results in his file when I saw it happened. Right as the staff was zipping up the body bag the patents eyes popped open,but there was something wrong with him; his eyes where without color and he was making these snarling sounds. They staff jumped back yelling at the doctor

"HEY I THOUGHT YOU SAID THIS PATENT HAD FLAT LINED!?!?" Yelled the dark brown pony.

"Whoa! What are you talking about I checked his pulse and the monitor showed his heart stop?" The light blue doctor said with concern.

"WELL APPA-" But before he could get the word out the patent jumped up and bit the dark brown pony in the neck.

The white nurse and two pink nurses one lighter then the other along with the light blue doctor ran into the room as I stood still in fear, I couldn't believe what I just saw this patient was dead one minute and the next he's biting one of the morgue staff. As I snap of my shock trance I see the two pink nurses have restrained the newly alive patient and the light blue doctor and white nurse are working on the dark brown morgue staff member who was bitten.

I slowly approach the room, the other staff member from the morgue he had a black coat was in the far right corner of the room in the fetal position.

"Damnit! The bleeding wont stop!" The doctor yelled.

The nurse helping the doctor starts to cry as the other two nurses strap down the crazy and enraged patient.

"W-What is this doctor?" The lighter pink nurse ask.

"Im not sure, I've never seen anything like this before." The doctor responded

The crying nurse cover's the dark brown pony as the doctor pronounces him dead, she starts to walk away when I see it the body starts to move.

I just watch as the sheet moves more. ""

"What is it now?!" The doctor responded in an irritated tone.

"T-The sheet" I point to the dark brown pony.

"Oh my gosh! He's alive!" The white nurse runs over and uncovers him.

"No get away from him!" Demanded the doctor.

The nurse hugs him, his eyes open and he makes those horrible growling sounds just like the other. The doctor walks over to the nurse to pull her off but before he has time to reach her he bites her ear off.

"Ahhhh!" She screams as she rolls onto her back.

I start to panic because the dark brown pony starts to stand up, he looks around and sees the two pink nurses they let go of the patient they where holding down and back up slowly.

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