The Escape

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I look at her and think for a minute "Um..well i was just gonna run for it" I told her a little hesitant.

"So you where gonna just run out into whatever is out there?" She asked.

"When you say it like that it sounds bad, but yes" I respond.

"Well that's a stupid idea" She says as she stares me down.

I look at her and think you really know how to pick them. "Well its the best idea we have right now" I respond back.

She rolls her eyes "At least create a distraction" She says.

I look at her "Fine" I say and start to think of a way to distract them. I look around and see a med cart.

"Alright, I'm gonna sneak over to the cart and push it towards them, then we'll make a run for it okay?" I say to her as i watch the ponies around the corner.

"Now that sounds like a plan" She smiles and nods.

I give her a look and sneak over to the cart. "Alright you can do this"

I start to count down to myself "one...two...three." I push the cart as hard as I can towards the ponies. I grab the white ponies hove and run towards the door as the cart hits them making them fall over.

"Oh wow that really worked!" Said the white pony.

I grumble as we make it out the hospital doors.

The ponies see us leave and push the card off of them and give chase towards us.

I look back. "Oh shit!" I yelled

"What is it?" Asked the the white pony.

"N-Nothing just keep moving!" We speed up making a rather big distance between us and them.

"So whats the plan Mr. Hotshot?" She said sarcastically.

I give her a look and think "My place for now, it seems like the best option of surviving"

"Mhm, that's the reason why you want to take me to your place" She said with an attitude.

I get frustrated by what she said that i grab her mane and pull her into a nearby ally by it. "Hey! Listen i didn't have to help you! I could have just let you get bitten by one of them and turn into whatever they are, okay!?" I say with venting angry.

She looks at me shocked, her eyes tearing up. "O-Okay, I'm sorry.." She starts to cry.

I sigh and put my hoof on my forehead. "Hey... I'm sorry, I'm just stressed because I'm trying to keep us alive from whatever those things are."

She looks at me as she wipes her eyes and i hear the ponies approaching. "Damn" I whisper as i look around the ally. I see a door to one of the buildings a crack by a piece of wood.

"This way" I whisper and move towards the door, she nods and follows.

I open the door more and peek inside. "Hmm, seems safe."

I open the door so she can move in, she passes by me and goes inside I follow after her and slowly closes the door as I pull in the wood. The ponies run by as the door locks closed with a click.

I look around the dimly light room, there's some crates and bags.

"What is this place?" The white pony asked.

"I'm not sure, but its keeping us safe from whatever is out there." I said.

The white pony climbs and sits on one of the crates as I look around, it looked like the crates and bags went on forever.

"Well i believe we are in a warehouse." I said opening one of the crates.

"Oh?" Said the white pony walking over to me.

I check inside the crate and see construction tools like shovels, hammers, nail guns, and wrenches.

"Oh, hehehe" I say with excitement.

"What is it?" Asked the white pony out of curiosity.

"I found some tools that will come in handy." I say as I levitate one of the shoves out.

"Oh! Anything I can use?" Asked the white pony.

"Hmm" I say as i look back in the crate. "Oh yeah!" I say as I levitate a hammer out.

"What!? A hammer?" The white pony said out of shock.

"Yeah... What's wrong with that?" I asked.

"That won't do anything for me!" She said raising her voice.

"Whoa whoa, just calm down this is the only thing you can carry out of the whole box because you don't have magic" I explain as I levitate it over to her.

She looks at me and grumbles as she grabs the handle of the hammer with her mouth.

"Alright now we need to find an exit other then the one we came through." I said looking around

"Why we have weapons to fight back with?" She said a little confused and muffled.

"Because there's about ten of those things and only two of us with a hammer and a shovel, we don't stand a chance." I say as i walk down one of the isles.

She thinks about it for a minute and then follows me. "Well what are we gonna do after we get out of here?" She asked as she walks up to my side.

"I saw a few houses before we ran into the ally, I'm pretty sure we could ask whoever lives there to let us in." I say as I turn down another isle.

She gives me a look and says "What do you mean ran? You dragged me by my hair!"

"That's not important right now, oh hey I never caught your name." I say as I stop and look around.

"I'm Violet Night." She says

"Nice to meet you Violet I'm Striker." I say as I move down the isle to my left.

"That's it? Just Striker?" Shet says a bit confused.

"Yeah, why do you ask?" I say as I look ahead.

"Oh well it's just that every pony I've meet they usually have two names." She says as she looks at the boxes we past.

"Well not me, my parents didn't see it as necessary." I say as I turn right into another isle.

"Oh... I guess that's cool." She says as she follows.

"Yeah; could we do less taliking?" I say as i look right and left looking down the isles.

"Sorry.." She says as she lowers her head to the ground.

"Hmm?" I head down one of the isles seeing some light coming from behind some crates.

"What is it?" She as i head down the isle.

"Our exit i hope." I start moving the crates out of the way with my magic, move light appears as I do.

Violet heads down to where I am as i move the last of the boxes.

"So, this is our exit?" she ask.

"Yup." I open the door and walk out as Violet follows behind.

"Whats out there?" Violet ask.

"I'm not sure; just stay close." I say as I think to myself not knowing what to expect has always made me uneasy.

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