Prologue: Rebirth

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'This world is cruel. This world is unjust. Driven by Greed, Pride and Lust. It's quite sad. How quirks are held over morals. To discard your true fighting spirit, the real 'you' for a power that means nothing. Power doesn't think. Power doesn't feel. Power doesn't care what it destroys even if it's yourself or someone you love. To take the word hero and pervert it into mockery of itself. For the word villain to be twisted that even the most wicked would blanch in disgust. The Symbol of Peace to only be a Symbol of Lies. Lies so deep, the truth is impossible to find. How disgusting.' Spoke a voice in the dark.

'It's truly sad. For a world like this to exist, where power is all that matters. The souls of the lost are weeping for this injustice. The devils in hell are outraged of this farce. The angels in heaven are disappointed in this twisted silence. Balance must be restored. The truth must be set free.' Spoke a voice hidden in the light.

'There is one soul who can truly free the truth. However his time is limited and falling shorter. The virus of lies has found him and he won't survive much longer. He'll need courage. He'll need a guide. He needs his true power to be unleashed from the inside.' Spoke the voice in the dark.

'Then let us fix the problem. The blessed and damned are offering their help to the child. To give up pieces of themselves even if it means they cease to exist. It's quite astounding for a line cursed with death and blood to gain help from what slayed each generation. Not all is lost.' Spoke the voice in light.

'Then very well! Damned souls, if you hear my voice then you have been summoned. Come Forth! Disillusioned Harpie, Dark Planet, Unstable Cougar, Two Faced Devil, False Priest and Corrupted Justice give up thy darkness!' Spoke the voice in the dark as a black sphere of light manifested.

'Souls blessed with peace, if you hear my voice then you have been called. Gentle Star, Foreseeing Trickster, Dark Ocean, Diamond Heart, Gold Ladybug, Condemned String, Cursed Horse and Lost Sailor lead thy light.' Spoke the voice in light as a sphere of blue dark light manifested.

'Converge together to form something new. A heart of darkness and star of light. When united, they become a twilight of chaos. A dark balance and a light disorder. To become what they truly are, the truth.' Both spoke as both spheres of light merged to create a ball of greenish silver and violet. 'Go forth.' The voices spoke as the light vanished.

Snow fell over Mustafu as it was just a normal winter today for the people of Japan. Though no one paid attention to the red that began to grow. Painting the snow crimson, a person laid dead to the world around them. A child the age of 5 whose green hair had been stained brown. Emerald eyes that were pale, dull and lifeless. His body marred with cuts and burns that the child was practically charcoal.

The boy's state was that of betrayal by those close to him. Friend turned enemy and family becoming killers. He laid slowly dying yet he was bitter. What the child wanted was simple. The boy wanted justice.

A sphere of silver took its descent from the sky weaving through the air like a snowflake as if heeding the boy's silent call. The sphere soon landed on the child's chest softly before sinking in until none remained. It now fell to the boy to change fate.

A green haired child slowly fell into the darkness. Fragments of pictures, scenes and people he passed as he drifted. 'Izuku Midoriya. An age of 5, male and quirkless. Your life was robbed of happiness at a very ripe age. A victim to meaningless hate and lies. Considered useless by your peers, glass to your mother, a freak to the people and a disease in the eyes of this society. This shall happen no more. Denizens of heaven and hell wish to help you. To grant you strength, a chance to live again. To become a Bringer of Truth to this false peace and malicious lies. However something must be given in return.' A genderless voice spoke.

'Your old self, your false self must die. A child blind to the lies of heroes and harsh reality must perish. Izuku Midoriya must be no more. Are you willing to make this sacrifice?' The voice spoke as the boy looked at the sphere. He slowly nodded his head.

'Very well. In exchange for your false self, you shall be given a power that was forgotten through the passage of time. Humanity's hidden power, their true selves. The power of the fighting spirit known as a Stand is yours. They will stand by your side and guide you on your mission along with arts lost through time. To seal this contract, a name must be forged. Who are you child?' The voice asked waiting for confirmation.

'My name is...Shinjitsu Ushinatta.' The boy spoke. 'And the name of our soul?' The voice asked. 'My soul's name…' Memories of faces old, new, broken and twisted passed through his eyes. Words that only caused pain fade away losing their bite. A warrior with eyes of silver look back as a hand reaches out. 'Bringer of reality, a god of clarity and destroyer of warped lies. My soul's name is True Ace.' The boy spoke.

'The contract has been sealed. Good luck Shinjitsu and True Ace. Please slay the virus before it is too late. Their lives are in your hands.' The voice spoke as Shinjitsu found himself going into the light. Eyes of red and blue soon opened amongst the frigid cold.

The boy known as Shinjitsu stood up for the first time like a newborn fawn. Shinjitsu soon collected himself and looked around. He was at a beach filled with nothing but garbage of varying shapes and sizes. It had the scent of abandonment, hatred and loathing rolled up in a putrid death like stench that polluted the once beautiful scenery. He turned to face the body of Izuku Midoriya as it still was. Shinjitsu felt pity for the child, his own false self.

It would be best to put the body in a restful place where it would no longer be desecrated. A single touch to where the child's heart was. He watched the body break apart instead of becoming dust, it turned into spider lilies. The symbol of abandonment. Sadly fitting as the flowers disappeared into the sky.

Shinjitsu soon turned to be met by a reflection in a mirror. A boy no older than 5 with pale peach skin, silver hair tame and tipped black, a burning red left eye and a shimmering blue right eye, face clean of any freckles or blemishes, his body was thin lacking much baby fat, on the center of his chest was a kanji for truth and he only wore a pair of silver shorts. He turned to look at his back. On his back an emblem depicting a circle of arrows all pointing in different directions but not at each. It was the symbol for chaos. He snorted clearly amused.

"True Ace." Shinjitsu spoke voice soft and calm. A spirit soon appeared in front of him. The spirit was a child just like him but his skin was ivory, had a mane of gold filmed with dark silver, his eyes were just like Shinjitsu but in opposite positions, he wore an oversized white tasset, black short boots, an eye mask of gold and silver with dark green horns, fingerless gloves, long emerald scarf, and dull shoulder pads. "Waru?" The spirit asked looking around curiously.

"Hello True Ace. I'm Shinjitsu Ushinatta, your partner and yourself." Shinjitsu spoke as the spirit or True Ace looked at Shinjitsu before grinning happily. The Stand had flew around him excitedly before giving the boy a hug causing Shinjitsu to chuckle.

"We have a long road in front of us. What do you think of the place around us?" Shinjitsu asked as the spirit or Stand glanced around. "Waru!" True Ace cringed with a disgusted look on his face. "Yes, this place is a dump. Cleaning it should be the first thing we do. Both of us were born here so it's our job to return it to its original state. After all it's home for now." Shinjitsu answered as True Ace nodded in understanding.

So begins the tale of a boy who died in an unjust world. Brought back to life as an avatar of truth. He shall tear down this false society brick by brick. And he won't stop until the Age of Heroes and Villains fall.

For he was Shinjitsu Ushinatta, True Ace, Izuku Midoriya but most importantly, he was the Bizarre Vigilante. The holder of his true self. The power of the Stand. And a being born from the history of an extinct bloodline. For he was… Joestar.

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