Ch 1: Back from the Dead

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Time passed ever since Shinjitsu was brought into this world. If he was going to complete his mission then there were a lot of things he needed to do first. Evaluating his abilities was the first on the list. Even though he was part of Izuku, some of the souls used to create him weren't from humans. He was physically stronger and smarter at an inhuman level. His body healed faster and could morph limitedly. Though his new body required a lot of energy and needed to eat constantly whenever he could. Luckily he didn't have any preference on what to eat since his body could support itself through any type of matter.

Normal food, metals, energy, blood, stone and even poison served as nourishment to him. Shinjitsu also discovered he can't lie. It made sense for he was a manifestation and avatar of truth. Then there was True Ace, his Stand and fighting spirit. He was quite energetic and a glutton to no end. The spirit would punch through any stone or scrap he felt wasn't needed and if something had electricity then it was practically food for the green ghost. Apparently electricity was like a favorite food to him and Shinjitsu would catch his partner munching on jellyfish and electric eels after fishing them from the water.

The beach had served not only as a home but personal gym as well. Cleaning it up was quite an exercise for the two boys whether it was picking up trash, disassembling or fixing any electronics they found, an obstacle course and even honing their abilities the beach was perfect. Though Shinjitsu knows he couldn't perform his task alone. Despite True Ace being powerful, he could sense his partner felt... incomplete. In fact, Shinjitsu felt incomplete too and realized why. He was missing the power that came from the soul fragments. Their strength whether be Stand, Hamon or Ultimate Form was locked away and the keys missing.

He needed help if he was going to erase this age of heroes and villains. Information, equipment, targets and allies. The child set out into the city everyday to acquire what he needed. Information was quite easy when you found a reliable source, this source being a man named Giran. To many, this man was someone to stay away from but Shinjitsu saw a capable ally. Giran was smart and crafty but also experienced since his information had kept many vigilantes from being arrested while keeping him off the government's radar. Even those with a Lie Detector could be easily fooled by the man.

The man was suspicious when Shinjitsu came to him asking for him to be an informant. Shinjitsu merely told the man his intentions even going as far to reveal some of his abilities. Giran immediately saw that Shinjitsu spoke the truth and was trustworthy to become the boy's main informant. He was also the reason why Shinjitsu discovered True Ace's most powerful ability. When the agreement was formed, True Ace had suddenly manifested and split himself into two.

The copy had transformed into a completely different being, a brand new Stand. Both were quite surprised at the development and surprised even further when the newly created Stand reacted to both Shinjitsu and Giran's call. This ability was called Forge of Bonds and the brand new Stand was named Charmy Green. After that day, Shinjitsu began searching for potential allies or confidants who could unlock the power within True Ace. With Giran's help, Izuku had managed to find 5 Confidants and regained 5 of his missing Stands.

On the day he searched for his 6th Confidant, he discovered something important. He found a purpose for himself. Shinjitsu was 10 years old at that time. He stood around 4'2 in height, his hair met halfway down his back in length and a silver vest, black pants, and red sandals under a verdant cloak. The young child was wandering the alleyway when he heard something strange. It was crying specifically a baby's cry. He walked down the alley to find a basket in a dumpster with a baby cradled in it. The child looked around a few weeks old with silver hair and tiny horn nubs.

She was weeping to the world wanting to be held and love. Looking at the child tugged on Shinjitsu's heart as he carefully picked up the child and began to comfort her with a lullaby. 'Snow Fairy' if he remembered correctly. The baby had calmed before looking at Shinjitsu with beautiful blue eyes. His eyes widened as if he felt a string delicately wrapped around his heart. An urge to care, cherish, nurture and protect overcame him. True Ace and his other Stands had manifested as well with eyes conveying those same feelings.

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