Chapter Eighteen

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I go through my day making it to lunch, but my butt is dragging. I feel so drained. Once again, Liam's words come back to haunt me.

"What makes you think you can do this?"

I don't want him to be right. I refuse to let him be right.

"Hey, girl. Glad to see you here," Olivia says, coming up and giving me a slight hip check.

I smile at her and then yawn. "Sorry," I say.

"I should hope so. I would hate to think I'm that boring." She laughs. "Seriously though, Cat, are you doing okay?"

"What have you heard?" I ask. Her expression is so solemn. I know she must have found out about the ambulance.

"That you confronted Liam, passed out, and they whisked away you from the school in an ambulance. It's kind of hard to keep such news under wraps around here. Plus Alex told me, when I came back to see if you needed help to break everything down. He texted me you were okay so I wouldn't worry."

Okay, maybe she heard a lot more. "They told me my blood pressure was through the roof, which is why I fainted. I'm good now, just tired. I guess I've been pushing myself a little too hard."

"And Liam?" Olivia prompts.

"What about him?"

"I really thought you knew, Cat. I wouldn't have broken it to you so carelessly if I had thought for even a moment that you didn't have a clue."

"It's not your fault, Olivia. I knew it, deep down. I just didn't want to admit it."

"So you two..."

"We're done."

"Wow! Hard to imagine... You two have been inseparable since I've known you."

"Things change, I guess."

"Alex is pretty cute," she says, giving me a nudge with her elbow.

"Yeah, I'm not going there."

"Why not, Girl? He is so into you. I don't think he took his eyes off of you for more than like three seconds the entire fundraiser."

"You're delusional," I tell her, but I can't help but wonder if it was true and if it was, why would he pretend to be interested in me? Maybe it was just concern. Maybe he feels responsible for me.

"I'm just telling you what I saw," Olivia says, waving her hands in the air in surrender, letting me know she was backing off, which I appreciate.

"Oh, by the way. The vote was unanimous. We've kicked Jenny out of the sorority house. I mean, she is still part of the sorority, just not living in the house anymore."

"What?" I say, truly shocked. "Why?"

"Truthfully, none of us like her. She's a constant drama bomb just waiting to go off. Everyone normally walks on eggshells around her, but when she pulled that stunt with the fundraiser and nearly lost us $2500, we let her know exactly what we thought. That's when she went off on all of us, so we kicked her out."

"Well, I guess if the vote was unanimous, there isn't much need for me to get involved. I really can't say I'm saddened by the news."

"But this could mean good news for you, Cat. Now there's an opening at the house. I'm not entirely sure where you've been hiding since you left Liam, but if you want to come home to the Chi Omega's we'd love to have you there."

I am truly touched by her offer. "I may have to take you up on it. Right now, however, I'm staying with a friend. Don't wait for me. If another girl needs it, just give it to her."

Someone To Watch Over Me - Book 1Where stories live. Discover now