chapter 4

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"Miranda what are you doing?"

"Nothing now mind your own business."

She is rummaging through old boxes and looking for something.

"What are you looking for?"

"Nothing of your concern."

Well it is my concern when you going through my stuff.

"Well if it is none of my concern, why are you going through my stuff?"

"I'm looking for a book, sister now will you please be quiet."

She stands straight and I can see a stray tear run down her face, I stand as well and walk towards her, wiping away the tears that are now streams.

"Why are you crying?"

She doesn't answer, but lean into my touch.
I ask again.

"Why are you crying, Miranda?"

"Because I can't find my book."

"I'll help, what does this book look like, describe it to me."

"It's has white engraving on it and it's cover is red."

I know she didn't just describe my diary.

I stop rummaging and turn around.

"Why are you looking for this book?"

She is hesitant again.

"Because in that book are memories, nice ones and I want to read them to make me feel happy."

I was kinda shook to know that my words bring her happiness.

I walked to my bed and I could feel her disappointment, but when I reached under my pillow and pulled out my diary her face lit up with happiness.

"Thank you sister, thank you, thank you."

"No worries, just give it back after."

She nodded in response, I've never had Miranda say thank you to me before, and it felt kinda  nice.

We go to school and we come back, we go to school and we come back, the same boring routine we do every day.

Miranda graduates from school first, she gets to go on a trip by herself as a present from Father.

"Would you like to come with me sister?"

Now I was hesitant, until I heard Father say, "No, she will not go with you, she has to stay here and finish her studies."

I felt a rush of sadness, but Miranda hugged me and said, "Cheer up sister, because when you graduate I will be there, and I will take you away from here."

Miranda left and I felt sad.

I cried this time.

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