Chapter 3 + Character sketch 3

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Same day afternoon

At Raizada heights (the headquarter of Raizada empire), London ..

Arnav is seating on the head chair of the conference room .. So many managers of different industries of Raizada's are present there along with Arnav's PA Mona Lisa Pietersen... A man of 39yrs is showing his presentation to Arnav along with his PA Salini Mehta who is helping him with the documents ..

After almost 2hrs of presentation program that man turn toward Arnav & said ...

That Man: Mr. Raizada I'm assuring you that this deal is going to be very profitable for you & trust me if you really want to spread your empire in India then we are the best option for you ..

Arn: I like your presentation Mr. Suxena but your partner should have been present here in today's meeting ...

That man: we are extremely sorry Mr.Raizada ..but I promise she will present at our next meeting .. infact all the four companies that collaborating in this project will be together .. & I'll be grateful if I would get the honour to arrange it in my place..I mean in India ..

Arn: sure Mr.Suxena .. & ya the deal in on from my side...with this Arnav & that man signed the contract paper ...

That Man (shaking hands): congratulations Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada.. we are honoured to get the chance to work with you ..

Arn(shaking hands): same goes here too Mr. Harshad Suxena ..

So the man is none other than Harshad

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So the man is none other than Harshad .. who is now a well-known businessman in India.. He married to the only daughter of Aditya Mathur.. the solo heir of Mathur industries & got rich .. except that he has an illegal relationship with his business partner & their companies always do project together .. he also has some illegal businesses & has contact with underworld & smugglers..

Harshad was on his car taking with someone on the phone call..

Har: Yes Mrs.M .. I crack the deal.. now it's your turn .. it's time to become top businessman of the world ..

Voice ( on other side of the phone): yes .. & M really proud of you ..

Har: this is not done Mrs.M ... only proud .. what about I get a reward from you .. Europe is one of the best honeymoon destination you know right ..

Voice : Shut up Harshad. .. concentrate in work .. don't forget you have a wife ..

Harshad : wife or puppet ?

Voice : hahaha .. ok now m going .. now I have to do my job .. have to crack the deal with kirloskar's ...

Harshad: bye ..

As soon as the phone call ended Harshad's car stop & he get irritated ..

Har: WTH .. why you stop the car ?

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