Short Version

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"Attention ! Attention, kids !"

The class settles down as Mr. Thomson starts droning on about geometry. The class has been going on for a while when Toby shoves a note into my hand. But before I even get the chance to open it, Mr. Thomson snatches it from my grasp.

"This behavious is most unacceptable ! Tobias and Arie, don't make me send you to the  Principal !"

That sobers us up quickly. We both don't like the Principal-and the feeling is mutual. Here's the thing: Toby and I are a bit... different, compared to other Midbury High students, and our Principal would win hands down at a Miss Conservative pageant.

We're gay.

Needless to say the Principal hates us with the most profound loathing you could ever imagine. Most of the school is accepting-lots of people actually said they supported me when I came out to the world, way back in 7th grade. But some never will, including the Prinicpal and some popular butt-holes (I was told to keep this PG-13) who go out of their way to pin us down.


" Already over ?" pouts Toby. Terrible joke, but it makes me laugh nevertheless-at least until I'm thrown to the ground. I look up; the butt-holes have struck again. I just sigh and pick myself up. I have to forget these things and bottle them up-ignoring the fact that one day, I will burst.

Dusting myself off, I notice a pair of shoes. Customised, hand-drawn swirls cover them from heel to toe, a rainbow of vivid colors. I look up, slowly, and my gaze slides up a pair of jet-black jeans and a turtle-green sweater. Strawberry blond hair flows down her back, framed by two birds trapped in a perfect golden cage hanging from her earlobes. Beautiful, like her.

Kindness is noticeable even in her walk, in the way she sways her head, in the tap-taping of her wrist against her thigh, drumming along to a random beat.

Meet Dove Mason, my crush. Flawless in every way.

Only two problems which mean we will never, ever be together:

Her friends are the butt-holes.

Aaaaand the Prinicpal is actually named Mrs. Mason.


End of English class, which means end of school, which means seeing Dove. Well, not really. Making a detour to pass by her as she waits for her bus. And not in a stalker-y way either ! Just... seeing her.

She never mocks us, even though all her friends do. She even flashes these apologetic smiles to me across the room, sometimes. Once, she helped me get up from the ground after a fall. She was so gentle, and didn't smirk at my beet-root face as she steadied me with her strong hands.

I collect these small hints against my heart, hoping that they mean something more than just banal kindness.

There she is. My head snaps downwards and I avoid eye contact, walking hurriedly. I'm almost at the end of the street, when-

"Wait !"

I freeze.

"Hey." Her voice is soft, and close.

" I wanted to apoplogise to about my friends. They're..." She swallows. "... brutes."

I turn around, palms sweaty, but manage a: " I'm used to it."

Passion takes over her face, sweeping away any hestitation she might have had before.

"No !" she protests, loudly. "You shouldn't have to be."

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