The Traitors

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Prompt: "Just tell why you did it!" "Because I'm in love with you, okay!"

Tags: #Alternate Universe #Prompt #Vers was born a Kree #Married Couple #Pre-Established Relationship


"Stand down, Vers!"


Black smoke wafted between them, its foul odour clinging to the air. Her vessleThe Avenger lay in a crumpled heap, half buried in the dirt. The crackling fire was slowly devouring it, soon only a metal skeleton would remain.

Vers kept her eyes firmly on the man before her, refusing to risk a glance to see if the energy core was still attached to her ship. She had to keep his attention firmly on her and hers on him. It scared her to realise she wasn't sure what he would do. Despite what they were to one another, she could not guarantee that he wouldn't kill her in the name of the empire.

Yon-Rogg loved her, she knew that with every fibre of her being.

But he also loved his empire.

"Commander Yon-Rogg, we are not a threat to you or the empire. Our mission is one of peace. If you just let us explain-"

"You can save your traitorous excuses for the Supreme Intelligence, Mar-Vell," Yon-Rogg cut in.

Vers bristled at the way he spoke to her mentor. Behind her, she heard Mar-Vell groan. Before Yon-Rogg had arrived, she had seen the blood seeping through Mar-Vell's jacket on her left arm. There had also been blood on her forehead. She was injured and needed medical attention.

"I have warned you for years that you were falling down a dangerous path, that you were letting your emotions cloud your judgement. And now you've gone and dragged my wife into the mess!"

"She didn't drag me into anything, Yon. I choose to help her. It's the right thing to do. This war has gone on for long enough," Vers snapped.

"She's filled your head with lies, Vers!"

"The only thing filling anyone's head with lies is the Supreme Intelligence!"

Yon-Rogg inhaled sharply, the grip on his weapon tightening. The words she had spoken were blasphemous, a sinner renouncing their god. The words of a traitor. If he had any doubt of her dedication and willingness in her participation in aiding the Skrulls, she could see they were all gone. His golden eyes were bright with anger and betrayal.

"I won't be its slave anymore," Vers whispered. "I won't help it conquer the universe. All it wants is power and control."

Yon-Rogg's gaze flickered to Mar-Vell. It was then that she realized that his rage was not directed at her, it was all for Mar-Vell. He blamed her for this.

"Yon-Rogg," Vers said in warning.

She saw it, the brief nod of his head. An affirmation to a question whispered in his comm-link. A question asked by someone nearby. It had to be his team, other members of Starforce. Of course, he hadn't come without back up!

Stupid, stupid, stupid, Vers thought with a hiss, realising her mistake. He was distracting them.

Vers's eyes widened and she whipped around, but it was too late. A sniper shot Mar-Vell through the chest. Vers watched, shocked, as her mentor and friend collapsed to her knees, hands hovering around the bloody, gaping hole in her stomach. Just before she hit the ground, she mouthed one word. Run.

Another blaster came hurtling towards her. Vers rolled out of the way, scrambling across the dirt to take refuge behind the carcass of her broken ship.

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