Amongst the Chaos

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Spiderman shot out a web to which (y/n) dodged and counteracted with a small blast from a gun.

The hostile environment of the airport consumed the two, once inseparable, heroes, leading them to fighting each other with malice. The way the once sparring partners fought would have given an outsider a false impression that they never even knew each other and that every shot fired and fist punched was simply... impersonal.

Soon enough, instead of conveying their emotions through brute force, Peter decided to become more vocal.

"Why are you fighting me?" Peter yelled in an aggravated tone, "You know Mr. Stark is right. Why won't you side with him?"

Instead of replying, (y/n) gave him a punch to the side and ducked before he could respond.

"You're acting so cold! We were never like this. Why are we against each other, huh?" Peter scoffs. "I thought you were better than this." He shakes his head and fires off another web.

(Y/n) gave an hard glare, "I'm acting cold? You're the one who readily agreed with Stark and went against our promise to never fight each other. I'm doing this cause Nat raised me!" (Y/n) gruffly stated before drop-kicking him, causing Peter to land on the ground on his back, before springing back up. "We've been over this Spiderling," (y/n) sneered, mocking Stark's nickname for Peter, "You know I'd die for her, and I don't give a single shit that you're butt hurt even though you're the one that started this."

Though his mask covered his reaction, he gave an incredulous look before trying to immobilize (y/n)'s legs with a web. "And Mr. Stark is like a father to me! He has done so much for myself and Aunt May. The least I could do is fight alongside him."

Peter successfully landed a blow on (y/n). To which (y/n) responded with a huff and a punch that he narrowly avoided. They eventually drew apart from the hand to hand combat.

Instead of making another move, (y/n) paused. Taking a deep breath, (y/n) closed their eyes and ruminated. (Y/n) then grabbed the gun from the holster and tossed it onto the ground.

"What are you doing? Why are you stopping?" Peter heaved out the words, still in a defensive stance.

Yanking off the mask, a weary (y/n) sighed, "Cause I'm tired of this Pete. We're better than this. I just- I want us to leave, be normal teens... or as normal as we can get." (Y/n) gave a breathy laugh and took a step towards him. "We don't deserve being in the crossfire of adults who can't even agree on something so simple like a movie during our movie marathon Fridays."

Peter smirked at the comment, reminiscing the times where himself and (y/n) would cuddle on the couch, while the rest of the Avengers argued about whether they should watch Aladdin or The Lion King.

With a hand stretched out to him, (y/n) took a step towards Peter. "Let's leave this stupid airport."

Peter quickly took his mask off, wiping his eyes to get rid of the tears beginning to form. The brisk air met his bruised and scratched face to which he briefly grimaced, before solemnly asking, "What will they say?"

"I don't care anymore. Nat loves me and trusts me enough to know that I can make good decisions. And Stark, he cares for you and knows he shouldn't have dragged you into this. Let's go Pete." (Y/n)'s mouth upturned a bit, forming a wistful and loving gaze to him.

Without hesitation, Peter took (Y/n)'s hand and squeezed it. "Let's go."

The two partners stared at each other in the eye, the chaotic atmosphere around them seemed to blur as they only focused on each other's features.

(Y/n) held both of his hands in their own and drew closer to him. "I missed you, Pete. I miss this."

Peter's hand rose to cup (y/n)'s cheek and their foreheads leaned against each other. "I missed you too. I missed us."

Their lips drew closer to each other, but the moment between the two partners was suddenly interrupted when a loud blast was heard.

The two jolted and drew apart.

"Let's get outta here, loser." (Y/n) said with a genuine, lopsided smile.

Peter jokingly scowled and gave (y/n) a nudge, "What did I say about calling me that?"

Their light conversation continued on as they stealthily made their way out of the airport turned makeshift battle field. They didn't know whether the fight between the team would cease, but they did know that they'd be together until the very end, even amongst the chaos.

Author's note: Thank you so much for reading! If you could vote for this story that would mean so much to me!

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