announcement + q&a

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a lot of people in the graphics community has probably already heard of WattshipDay which is an idea that was created by ruth and demi, two amazing friends and graphics designers. it's a day where people simply get to celebrate the friends they've made on wattpad and to get to appreciate the difference they've made in others' lives. 

it's on march 20th, which isn't too far away. so, first off, make sure to send something nice (a letter, a gift or simply just a happy wattship day text) on that day! second off, i'm going to be working on presents so don't expect any requests to finished up during this time period. i might still be working on them after.

i'm sorry for anyone who has requested. i know i haven't updated much. i'm having a massive graphics and writing block and i'm hoping it goes away soon. i didn't want to give anyone a half-assed graphic. that just makes both you and me sad. however, if anyone who is waiting would like to request somewhere else, i am allowing you to do that. i will still be making your graphic, but it's not fair of me to make you wait. just make sure to tell the other person that you have requested from me.



plans for university?

i really wanna go to ucla, but probably won't make it in. my other option is university of washington, which i hope i make in because if i don't i think i'm screwed. i don't know what i'll minor in, but my majors are definitely going to be in literature and teaching!

dream occupation?

writing, writing, writing!!! i would love to be able to be an author. that's my main goal in life. but if i don't make it as an author, i'd be an english teacher.

favourite food?

ramen. yep. the really cheap kind. not the expensive kind.

greek or roman?

greek! roman is weird.

if you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live and why?

probably stay in america, but i'd love to travel the world. if not america then sweden because honestly a socialist government seems so much better.

biggest fear?

silence. i hate silence. probably because i've been stuck in a house with three siblings who always argue. now that they're not home (two of em are in college) i just put up music really loud. it annoys my mum and brother so much but oh well.

favourite movie?

dang, i don't know. um, anything marvel or disney. or dreamworks. animation movies are bomb as heck. i don't care if they're for kids, they're amazing.

thoughts on books turned movies?

i like it. it's fun. i'll usually prefer the book though. unless it's the to all the boys i've loved before series. or after. then it's definitely the movies.

strangest experience?

well, i wouldn't say it was strange but getting chased by a snake when i was maybe six? it was so freaking traumatic. i still love snakes. they're adorable. well, some of em are.

happiest memory?

hmm, probably back when i lived in colorado and had a huge garden. in the summer time, i would just sit with my siblings and eat grapes. that was fun. 

or maybe when my sisters and i shared a room (back when i was 5-8) and we would stay up late and talk. my oldest sister would always come up with stories (many of them were about caterpillars). 

honestly, it's just the simple things. i miss it now.

favourite graphic?

the witching hour manipulation, for sure! that one was so fun to make and even though i missed up a lil bit, i love it to pieces. looking back i did better on the lighting than i thought i did.

face reveal?

already did that! i had my face as my profile pic (twice) a couple of months ago. maybe i'll do it again if i can get a good pic. 

if you could meet anyone on wattpad, who would it be?

angel because come on! i need to meet my overlord. and sara because she's one of the sweetest people i've ever met. and just everyone in camp caps. come on. y'all are awesome.

how do you do the gif/banner thing?

so, i cheat. i just search up gifs that are already made and then upload it into photoshop (remember i'm a desktop designer! i think it's pretty similar with every other app though.) then make sure that the gif is where you want it to be and add some text, and fix the background if it needs to fixed. afterwards, save each layer individually (it should only be about nine to ten because if it's any bigger wattpad will kill you) and upload it into a gif maker. and then download it (make sure the size fits on wattpad) and that's it!

if you want to do it with a small segment of a video, there are gif makers for that too!

interior design style?

black and white! i really want to paint my walls once i move out (my mum won't let me paint mine for obvious reasons). i know for sure that i'm going to make one a painting of paris at night. the other rooms, not sure! as for the furniture things, some rooms will be more modernish and some more antique. i love the vibe of both.

favourite yogurt flavour (if you like yogurt)?

i love yogurt! probably blueberry or mint chocolate chip.

favourite word?

methinks. it's so pretentious. i love it.

pencil or pen?

pencil! i cannot survive without an eraser. i cannot spell 90% of the time. also, imagine having to draw everything with pen. i would die. all my poor doodles. 

mbti type?


idealist or realist?

both. depends on what the situation warrants. 

ideal pet?

dog!! i really want a husky. they have so much fur though. oh well, all the better to hug.


thank you so much for all the questions! i'll see ya later! 

thank you so much for all the questions! i'll see ya later! 

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