V. Falling

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"I know what happens at the end of falling-landing." John Green, Will Grayson, Will Grayson



Chapter V – Falling

I had once again beaten my mom home. I grateful for that fact. There was no doubt that she would have bombarded my phone with messages and sent out a hunting party if I was this late getting home.

I quickly shut off my engine, grabbed my book bag, and ran into the house. I dumped my homework on the kitchen counter and ran upstairs. I changed into my pyjamas and grabbed my laptop and went back downstairs, opening it up onto my essay from the day before to make it look like I had been working.

I then went to the refrigerator and grabbed last night's Chinese and put it in the microwave. No sooner had the microwave finished heating our food, my mom walked in the door.

She looked decidedly less upset today. It must have been a better day at the clinic today. She smiled at me as she dropped her keys and purse on the counter next to my things. She kissed my cheek and smelled dinner hungrily.

"I've been hanging out for this all day," she said gratefully. "Did you have a good day, Sara?"

"Yeah." I nodded. "I had my trial shift at Sally's after school. She gave me a job."

My mom's eyes lit up. "Oh, Sara, that's wonderful!" she exclaimed. "Sally was always lovely to me when I was younger. I'm glad she's still in business."

"How was your day?" I asked.

As we ate, my Mom discussed the clinic more animatedly. She liked the other doctors, and she already had her favourite nurses. She told me about some of the children she had seen today. She was always careful not to go into specifics so as not to break doctor-patient confidentiality, but she told me if she was optimistic or not.

I was listening, but I was also watching the clock. As the minutes ticked on, I knew it would be nearly time to call Shea.

"How would you like to go and see a movie this weekend?" Mom suggested. "Check out the local theatre. Maybe get some dinner afterward? Really settle into Providence."

I was supposed to have plans this weekend. Who was to say this couldn't be it? "Sure, Mom," I agreed, smiling. I would have to look up online what was playing.

At ten-thirty, Mom took both of our plates to the sink and began to switch off the lights ready for bed. She hugged me on the landing and I had to stop myself from skipping to my room. I quickly jumped on my bed with my phone and opened up to the text message he had sent himself. I tapped on the number and pressed call.

The phone barely had a chance to ring before Shea answered.

"Evening," he said suavely.

"Good evening, yourself," I replied quietly. Oh my God, I felt giddy! My emotions couldn't pick a lane. I went from hating him this morning, to practically falling over my feet to talk to him. This was some messed up voodoo I was getting myself into.

"What have you been up to tonight?" he asked in an equally quiet tone. I wondered if he was hiding in his bedroom like I was. Though, Shea didn't seem like the kind of guy who would hide anything. With how open and honest he had been with me this afternoon, I felt like he would never hide anything from anyone.

My evening really wasn't that exciting. "Had leftover Chinese food." Counted down the minutes until I could call you. "Hung out with my mom." Until it was acceptable to go to bed and call you.

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