XXVI. Away

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"None of us knows what might happen even the next minute, yet still we go forward. Because we trust. Because we have Faith." Paulo Coelho, Brida 


Chapter XXVI – Away

The way Cece was gushing over our room, you would have thought it was the Plaza. In reality, it was the first taste of freedom that Cece Braverman had ever had.

In my reality, it was a crappy hotel room that ought to be put under a blacklight.

Cece dumped her duffel bag on the squeaky spring bed closest to the window, before throwing open the thick, mustard coloured drapes. "Oh, I just love Charlotte," she squealed, taking in the view of the parking lot.

I couldn't help but smile. I guess I had been fortunate. Living exactly forty-seven minutes away from the culture hub that was Manhattan for most of my life had perhaps spoiled me.

I smiled as I texted my mom letting her know that we had arrived safely. Mom immediately replied back with a text asking for curious pictures of our room. I knew she just wanted to see if Shea was there. I rolled my eyes and snapped a picture of our beds, the old desk with a bible sitting pride of place, a sad looking antique armoire, one of Cece by the window, and I quickly ducked into the bathroom to take a picture. Though decidedly more modern than the bedroom, the bathroom was still a classic reflection of the eighties.

"Oh, Sara, we all needed this. A getaway. All Shea can think about when we're at home is looking after Mom. And then we're all thinking about the anniversary. Being away is such a good idea."

"What anniversary?" I wondered if it was the anniversary of her father's death. That ought to be very hard on Shea and Cece's mom.

Cece suddenly pursed her lips and looked guilty, as if she had revealed something she shouldn't have. "Well, actually, Shea hasn't forbidden me from saying this detail. The anniversary of Lex's father's death ... and yours ... is November seventeenth. Sunday. It's always a day filled with conflict. I wouldn't be surprised if Shea wants to stay here with you over the weekend to keep you away."

I knew I should have registered the more important detail of that revelation, that being Lex's impending outburst, but I had just found out my father's death date. November seventeenth. How many November seventeenths had I let pass without knowing its significance?

"Come on," Cece encouraged. "We've got a few hours before we need to get ready for the game. I want to see some of the city."

Cece and I met up with Shea and Jamie. And although the boys both wanted to visit the NASCAR museum, we ended up at the Carowinds amusement park with most of our class.

Screaming my lungs out on half a dozen roller coasters helped me to forget. I didn't think about November seventeenth. I didn't think about Lex. I certainly wasn't thinking about my nerves. I was just having fun with my boyfriend like a normal teenager.

We screamed together on the rides and I held on to Shea for dear life as we went down the drops. We laughed at our ridiculous expressions on the on-ride pictures and we ate all kinds of deep-fried food.

As we were leaving the park to return to the hotel to get ready for the game, Shea kissed me. He kissed me deeply, holding onto me tightly. Feeling as carefree as I had in a long time, I kissed him just as passionately, smiling as I did.

My heart raced as I looked up into his eyes. Shea's eyes were wide, excited, and happy.I didn't think I'd ever seen him without his usual wariness. But I loved seeing him without it. I loved seeing him happy.

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