Chapter One

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Chapter One

There were very few things that Sam actually hated. Being stuck in a car for nearly twenty four hours with her parents as they made the drive from New York City to small town South Dakota was one of them. Why her parents decided they needed to drive was never told to the annoyed sixteen year-old.

Her family was moving due to her father getting a business deal to develop land or something along those lines, Sam hadn't really been paying attention when she'd been told. All she knew was that she was leaving the city that had been her home for the past seven years of her life and moving to the Midwest. She quite honestly didn't know what to expect, her mother had been moaning about how their family was going to have to mingle with 'dirty farmers' and 'redneck hicks'. If Sam was being honest, she was grateful for the fresh start. No more preppy school and disapproving looks from the teachers and students alike and maybe she'd make some friends this time around.

Sam sighed and turned to look out the window again. Crops and cattle dominated the Midwest landscape. Sam had been expecting flat and boring, instead she got rolling hills, streams, and small stands of trees scattered across the land. Her father slowed the car and turned onto a gravel road.

Raising an eyebrow Sam turned to the front, "are you sure we aren't lost?"

"We are not lost, Samantha. The GPS said to turn, so we turned." Her mother snapped fixing Sam with a glare.

"Jeesh, just asking a question," Sam muttered under her breath and looking back out the window.

The small sedan bumped down the ripped up road. Sam lurched in her seat as the car bounced up and down and winced when she heard it scrape the road. Then after around two miles of the lurching and shaking, the car got stuck. The wheels of the car spun uselessly as her father stepped on the gas. Mud flew up from the tires splattering both Sam and the car as she stood tried to push the car.

"Well," her father stepped out of the car, "it looks like we're going to have to call a tow-truck." He took out his phone and then frowned. "Or not," he said putting it back in his pocket.

"What do you mean, or not," Sam's mother hissed narrowing her eyes.

"We don't have service." Her father said plainly.

"There's a house, like half a mile from here," Sam said as she looked around, "we could walk over there and ask for help."

"Absolutely not!" her mother whipped around to look at Sam, "we will not be asking some filthy, redneck hick who probably rolls with his pigs and only showers once a month for help!"

"Well then I'll go and you can stay here!" Sam snapped back while stalking off.

"Samantha Manson you get back here!" her mother howled after her.

"I'm going to actually get us help!" she yelled back. To her surprise neither of her parents followed her, Sam assumed that her mother was raging and her father was calming her down.

The trek down the muddy road took much longer than Sam would've liked and left her boots and the bottom six inches of her jeans caked in mud. A worn sign and archway stood in front of her. The archway proudly proclaimed that she was on 'The Fenton Family Farm' while the weather worn sign stated that they had 'show herefords' whatever those were. Sam trudged down the driveway and rang the doorbell on the older house. Nothing. Sam tried again only to get the same result.

"Are you kidding me?" she growled. As she turned to start the walk back the faint sound of music caught her attention. Turning on heel Sam followed it to a steel building. Light streamed from underneath the door and Sam could catch snippets of the song and some loud off key singing with it.

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