Chapter Two

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Alright so here's another chapter. Not much has happened yet but here's some characterization and Danny's point of view. I don't have much to say other than I probably wont ever have a schedule for when this updates. 

Chapter Two

Danny certainly hadn't been expecting to have company that night. He'd returned home from school, (thank God there was only a month left.) and had proceeded to finish up the small amount of homework he had left, study halls were God's gift to man.

"Jazz! Can you proofread this for me?" Danny yelled for his sister who was back from college for the summer.

"What's it for?"

"Lancer's class. We have to make a pamphlet about a social issue in today's modern society and reflect how it affected The Crucible."

Jazz walked into his semi-clean room. "Danny you need to clean this room." Her nose wrinkled at the piles of paper on the floor.

"I know, I know, my computer bag broke and I just dumped everything on the floor. First day of summer I'll clean it." Danny waved the issue away. Jazz huffed but let the issue drop.

Walking closer she looked over Danny's shoulder at the Publisher document. "What'd ya think?"

"It looks fine Danny, I think Lancer will like it."

"Thanks Jazz." Danny stood up from his desk and stretched.

"Are you going to work with Cecil?" Jazz asked as he walked out the door.

"Yep, and probably play with Cujo while I'm at it." Danny turned, "what are you doing?"

"I'm still unpacking, I'll come out and help with chores when I'm done."

"You know what grandpa always used to say."

Jazz laughed and replied with their grandfather's signature line, "you don't eat till the animals eat!"

Danny tugged on a pair of muck boots and trotted out the door.

"Cujo!" Danny whistled and called for the family dog. A large black and tan mastiff bounded from around the corner.

"Who's a good boy?" Danny dropped into a crouch and patted his knees. Cujo barked, his tail rapidly beat back and forth as he ran up to Danny. Danny grunted as all two hundred pounds of his dog jumped on him. Cujo's slobbery tongue licked Danny's face as he tried to pull him closer with his massive paws.

"Yes, yes, I see you. Good boy." Danny laughed and pushed the massive mastiff off of him.

"Cujo, where's your ball?" The giant dog's ears pricked forward.

"Where's you ball Cujo?" Cujo raced off to the barn.

Danny chuckled and kept walking in that general direction. A few minutes later, Cujo returned, an old tennis ball in his mouth.

"You want it?" Danny asked holding the ball high in the air. "Go get it." Danny threw the ball and watched as Cujo darted after it. The game continued for a few minutes until Cujo dropped the ball at Danny's feet and proceeded to flop down with it.

"You done?" Danny asked as he scratched the dog's head. Cujo stretched out even further in response. Giving his dog one last scratch behind the ears, Danny headed over to, what he and his sister called, the barn.

Inside the barn were pretty much all the animals that weren't beef cattle. "Hey Clyde," Danny pet the head of their twenty year old donkey. Clyde brayed in return and nuzzled his, looking for treats. "Nothin' for you today buddy." Danny scratched the old jack's head.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2019 ⏰

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