The first meeting

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         Walter was walking into the coffee shop humming tunelessly grouchy after a meeting with Bular that didn't go to well.Suddenly a woman caught his eye.Walter looked over at her and watched her order coffee and walked out to the outside table.
        He took a deep breath and walked outside to her table."Oh Hello miss.",He mumbled.Barbera looked up."Oh hello have a seat sir.",She chirped smileing."ERM miss by the way my name is Maltolemew Strickler but just call me Strickler for now.",Walt said.He realized maybe this day will go good after all.
         "Oh and I'm Barbera Lake.Its so nice to meet you Strickler.",She smiled in a good mood."My pleasure miss Barbera.",He chuckled."Oh here is my number we should really talk again have a wonderful day Barbera.",He said.
      Walter got up pushed in his chair and started walking away.Barbera opened her mouth and reach out her hand as if she had to say something but changed her mind.

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