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Castiel Novak was the school's only male cheerleader. And he was pretty good at it, too. He'd been a cheerleader since he was a freshman, and he was now a senior.

He was good friends with the other cheerleaders. His best friend was Jo Harvelle. She was the first girl to accept him in the cheerleading society. And soon enough, he was best friends with the entire squad.

The rest of the school? Not so much.

They had just finished cheering at a home game against the Clarence Collins Saints, a high school from another part of California. Their team, the Carver Edlund Angels in Palo Alto, won 19 to 3.

They were in the locker room, Cas as well. The girls didn't mind that he was in there, since they knew he was gay. He wasn't some perv trying to pull anything.

"You did great today, Cassie!" Jo exclaimed. Cas chuckled.

"I did just as well as anyone else. And I keep telling you to just call me Cas. It's not Castiel or Cassie or anything else you can think of. Just Cas."

Jo put her hands on her hips. "Do you have to be so modest?"

Cas slung his gym bag over his shoulder. "It's one of my many traits, get used to it." He smirked.

Jo wrapped her arms around him. "See you at practice, Cassie."

Cas hugged her back. "See you then, Jo-Jo."

She playfully slapped his shoulder. "Oh, screw you!" She left with the rest of the squad, Cas smiling as she went. His smile left his face as soon as she walked out the door. He knew what to expect.

He walked out the door and saw them. Alastair, Azazel, and Crowley.

"Hello, queer." Crowley smirked.

Cas sighed. "Why can't you leave me alone? Just once?"

"Well, what else am I supposed to do for fun?"

"You could always go screw yourself."

Crowley responded to this by punching Cas in the stomach. "You should watch your mouth, you little cock sucker. Things could get a hell of a lot worse for you." He hissed.

"Come on, boss. Let me take a swing at him." Alastair begged. Crowley turned to face his posse.

"How about this? We either take a few swings in here, or we take him out into the alley and have some real fun?" Both Alastair and Azazel smirked.

"Oh, yeah. The alley sounds like a lot of fun."

They dragged Cas out to the alley across the street from the school. There they proceeded to beat him senseless. They gave him a black eye and a broken nose.

Azazel found a glass bottle on the ground and hit Cas over the head with it, knocking him unconscious.

"C'mon, Az, now he won't feel anything." Alistair scolded.

"Yeah, but now it'll be easier to get him in the dumpster." He glanced over his shoulder at the big green dumpster.

Crowley smirked. "There's a good boy."

Before they hauled him into the dumpster, they wrote FAG on his forehead with a black permanent marker. Before they could flee from the alley, they heard someone yelling at them.

"What do you think you're doing, douchebags?" He called. The sound of his voice surprised them, and they took off in the opposite direction, taking Cas's gym bag with them.

The stranger went to the dumpster and looked inside. Cas looked like he'd been to hell and back. And Crowley was the king.

"Hey, you okay?" He asked, hoping for a response. Cas groaned and coughed, droplets of blood spewing from his mouth.

"I'm fine." He wheezed. The stranger outstretched his hand, and Cas took it without hesitation. He got Cas out of the dumpster and dusted him off.

"You sure? You look like they knocked you into next week."

"I'm fine." Cas reiterated. He suddenly hissed and clapped his hand on the back of his hand. When he removed it, it was covered in blood.

The stranger took a look at the back of his head. "Yeah, you're gonna need a few stitches. C'mon, lets go to my place."

"What are you, a doctor?"


"I don't even know your-" He let the sentence hang there as he realized who this stranger was. The star of the school. The greatest quarterback to ever live. The biggest jock known to man.

Dean Winchester.

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