🌟Chapter Tweleve🌟

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You guys voted for this! Jin is now the one who gets the angst! 1 is his place in the fan chant and Jimin would've been 5.  Speaking of Jiminie look at my shiny A signed cardddd ( I know it's called Platinum but its shinyyy!)

With the Park-Kim and Min-Kim siblings
Jin looked at Min-Seo before turning back to the others "I-I'm ...pregnant..a-and that means that you could get pregnant too Jiminie! Mum told me there was something special about us that was similar to something about girls.." Yoongi stared "you're- you're serious about this right? Like it's not a joke or something?" "Completely serious Yoongi, we've had enough drama recently but I had to tell you so Jimim knows that he could too" Jimin looked at his brother "J-Jin....it is Namjoon's right?" "Of course it is! I'm not like I was in high school!" Jin glared at his brother "I can't believe you would even think that let alone ask it!!" He turned to Min-Seo "l-lets go...", Jin left and went back to the car. "You shouldn't have said that Jimin, you know how much he regrets his past" Min-Seo glared before following Jin. She got in the car next to him "Did you want to go see NamJoon at work?" "Yes, I should tell him sooner , that's probably better". Min-Seo nodded and drove them to the bookshop where Namjoon worked. As they got their Namjoon was waving goodbye to a couple, Min-Seo smiled and waved at the girls "Well if it isn't my favourite Lesbians". Jin looked confused "Min? Who are these girls?" "Collage friends, I was in the black pink house with these girls! Meet Jennie and Lisa!" Jin smiled and waved "Any friends of Min are friends of mine, pleasure to meet you". Jennie giggled "Nice to meet you SeokJin, Namjoon has told us a lot about you" Jin blushed "h-he has?" "Yep! I met him when he broke your vase, I tend to break things a lot too so I was buying something for Lisa" Lisa smiled at her girlfriend "You're my little clutz ~" Jennie blushed "hush you!". Min-Seo hugged them both "it was great seeing you guys! We'll have to catch up soon, all five of us! Oh! Did Rose and Jisoo get together yet?" Jennie sighed and shook her head "not yet, we're working on it though" Min-Seo shook her head "Those two are as oblivious as My brother and Jimin were" Jin giggled "Yeah Jimin is a bit stupid sometimes, still he's my brother" Lisa looked confused "I know Min was Yoongi's brother but I didn't know Jimin had one" "we just found recently, when my parents split she was pregnant with Jimin, we never knew" Jin saw Namjoon and ran off , Min-Seo laughed "I better go collect Jin, see you girls around!" She ran after Jin. Namjoon had him in a tight embrace "Hey Joon, we got to tell you something" Jin pulled away and held him stomach, Namjoon looked confused. "What is it guys?" Jin gulped and handed Namjoon the positive test "I-I'm pregnant...." "You- oh my god.." He was silent before smiling widely "I'm gonna be a dad!! Jin this is amazing!" Jin smiled "y-you're not mad?" Namjoon hugged him "Why would I be mad baby, We're having a child!". Min-Seo smiled at the happy couple "Enough with the lovey dovey crap you gays". Namjoon laughed and let go of Jin "I'll be home in a couple hours babe, Min-Seo take him home" Min-Seo nodded "Our last stop is Taeseok house then I'll take him home" Jin ran off back to the car "Shit Jin-!" Min-Seo sighed running after him. Jin was stood smiling innocently by the car "Lets goooooo the sooner I get home the sooner Joonie will be homeee "

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