Chapter 2

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Alright change of plans Wels doesn't have wings either, sorry but the plot needed someone to teach Nex how to use an elytra sense Grian obviously can't, and I just kinda... Picked Wels. Would've been Scar but that wouldn't make any sense. Damn you, myself, this is why your supposed to plan your stories. Anyway, hope you enjoy the long awaited Chapter 2!

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"So, we're doing this?" Grian looked behind him to where Nex was standing, shifting nervously on his feet.

"Yeah, we're doing this," Nex replied.

Nex had agreed to accompany Grian on a trip to the shopping district, it would be the first time Nex was leaving Grian's base, and it wouldn't be the last.

I mean, he couldn't just stay cooped up in Grian's base all season, now could he? He'd have to leave at some point, might as well get it over with.

"Well, if you're going with me, you're going to need one of these, Grian tossed an elytra to Nex, who caught it with relative ease. “Here."

Elytras were rarely used, considering most players had wings, but they could still be found at The End for the people that were either born without wings, or like Nex; whose wings were cut, either for health reasons; in horrific accidents, or in like Nex's case, acts of rage or revenge.

Nex fumbled with the straps of the pseudo wings until he had them tightly secured, and just, looked at them.

"I've never used an elytra before, never needed to. I always just used my wings until… Ya'know. Even after I lost them, I just... didn't want to. I think it was because using an elytra would make it all the more real, like I was fooling myself the whole time and didn't want to accept that I'd never get to use my wings again."

Grian walked over to Nex and set something in his hands whilst holding both of the others hands with his, And kissed the top of his hair, "It's alright, you'll get used to them in time, I invited Wels over to show you how to use them since I uh, yeah." Grian flapped his wings once as an explanation that he couldn't quite use an elytra. "Wait, Wels?" Nex questioned,

"Yeah, Wels. He doesn't have wings, and he doesn't like talking about how he lost them either."

Grian pressed his hands on Nex's before stepping back, and Nex could feel whatever it was Grian gave him laying firmly in his hands, he opened them to reveal a stack of rockets sitting on his palms. "I don't know much about elytra flight, but I do know that these," Grian waves his arms over the rockets nestled in Nex's hands for emphasis, "are needed to boost yourself. Pretty sure elytras are glorified gliders more than actual wings, lol."

"Did- did you just say lol?" Nex looks at Grian with amused bewilderment, who in the heck says lol instead of just, y'know, laughing? Grian chuckled a little, "Why yes I did, anyway, Wels should be here any minute now." As if on cue, a rocket sounded off near the base of the structure. A thunk followed be a loud "Hello!" Could be heard from where the two men stood (If you can even call Grian a man, he's more of a man child then anything.)

Grian grabbed Nex around the waist, the smaller hermit let out a surprised yelp before being dragged down to the first floor of the base.

Nex stumbled a little as Grian let him go, a bit surprised, and glared at him as though he just insulted his tea. (Nex gets very defensive about his tea-making abilities, ok?) He stood up, straightening his back a little, suddenly feeling nervous again, but trying not to show it.

"Hello, Wels." He said, he tried to sound intimidating, but his voice wavered slightly, so slight only those with impeccable hearing could hear it. Unfortunately for him, Wels had impeccable hearing. "Nervous?" Wels asked, he smirked a bit when Nex nodded, "Don't worry. The first time flying an elytra is the hardest, you'll get used to it," he turned to Grian and waved, "Hello Grian, do you mind taking EX to a higher floor? It might be easier from higher up, I'll meet you there." He turned around, but before the half-elf could fly off, Grian spoke up, "Nex."

"What?" Wels turned back around to face the builder, confused. "Nex. We call him Nex." Grian spoke, voice firm. "Ok, then,," he said slowly, "Will you fly Nex up to a higher floor?"

"Yeah, no problem." Grian confirmed as he grabbed Nex around the waist again, "You ready?"

"Yeah" And with that, Grian shot up towards the roof of his base, reddish-brown wings propelling them upwards with each beat. Nex could only marvel at Grian's surprising elegance and focus, memorized by something that was one so familiar to him.

Once they got to the top, Grian set Nex down, a little more gently this time, but Nex stumbled anyway, finally taken out of his stupor. Grian held his arms out to steady the small man. "Thanks." Nex said. He stood up, dusting off his outfit, nervousness pooling in system, that pit in your stomach feeling becoming more and more prominent.

Wels shot up and landed gracefully on roof, "Ready?"

"Yes" The moment the words came out of his mouth, Wels grabbed his wrist and started pulling him toward the edge, Grian close behind them. "So," Wels began "How this works is when you jump off, the elytra should open naturally, if that doesn't work, there's an emergency button right there." He put his finger over a small brown circular button resting on the elytras harness- strap thingy. "If that doesn't work, well… you're kinda screwed. But that only happens in very rare occasions so you're probably fine." Wels shrugged as stood next to Nex, positioning himself to jump, Nex was beyond anxious, he was down-right terrified. "Ready? For real this time?"

"I think so." His voice wavered, Wels grabbed his wrist, prepared to jump. Grian made his presence known again by putting his hand on Nex's shoulder, "Don't worry, if anything happens, I'm right below you." Grian's voice was soft and reassuring. Nex nodded, "Let's do this."

"Alright, 3, 2, 1… Go!" Wells jumped, pulling Nex with him, Nex closed his eyes and tried to focus on his breathing, in for 4, hold for 7, out for 8. He could feel the way the wind whipped around him, blowing his hair in all different directions, the freeing feeling that came with flying enveloping him.

He was so caught up in relishing in these sensations that he didn't notice Wels letting go of his hands, to zoned-out to really care, only to be pulled back into reality by a voice beside him yelling, "Woo! You got it!" He cracked open his eyes, and… he was, he was in the air, and he was flying, and all the sensations and relisations that he was actually in the air again what the fuck hitting him in face like a truck.

He looked down at his hands, there sat one of the rockets Grian gave him, looking over to Wels, he silently asked 'How do I use these?' Thankfully, Wels got the question and held up a rocket of his own, pulling the string at the bottom, he was suddenly boosted forward. Nex looked down at his rocket, before hearing Grian shout "You go got this." He was still below Nex, just as he promised.

With a sudden wave of confidence Nex pulled the string connected to the rocket, he shot forward, going faster than he expected. They were nearing the shopping district now, well, more so the Statue Of Hermity, when Nex remembered, 'oh, yeah, that.' He tried to look up and shoot over the statue but knew he was too late, his head had already collided with the green prismarine walls. Damn him for choosing not to wear his helmet.

And suddenly everything went dark.

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So I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, sorry it took so damn long to come out, and this is only 1,281 words, so I apologize. Anyway, thanks for reading, if you have anything to say, the comment section is always open, until next time, bye!


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