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Scrubbing my face to get the dry blood to wash off I look up to see a girl that I didn't even recognize. She looked like me but isn't me. Leaning on the sink as I stare at this girl who is aspost to be me.

I remember back when I was yonger, I was so excited to be a big sister I told everyone at school and they where all happy for me. I wold play all day and have many friends to play with and wold imagine playing family with my baby brother, I was only 13 when he was born.
I remember when he was born and was brought back from the hospital I invited all of my friends and told them to invite their friends to come over and see my new baby brother named Nicolas, or Nicky as we liked to call him. We wold stare at Nicolas with such fascination that we where too once this small.
But I remember some bad memories too, someone set my house on fire, I was 14 years old. Nicolas was only a few months old so I had to carry him out. I took him out side not wanting him to get hurt. I grabbed our emergency kit that we keep in each bedroom just in case we needed it. It contains some food, water, copy of out passports, money and some pictures too. That was my idea. It also contained some medical stuff which I didn't know how to use at the time.
The fire fighters came and stop the fire but it was to late. Our home was completely destroyed and our Ma and Pa where no where to found. They said that no bodies where found and that they couldn't track if they had left.

That was when we started to live with our aunt and uncle. They had a daughter but she is very spoiled though.

I shook my head clearing those thoughts. I can't think about them now I just need to focus on my school work and geting out of here with my brother.
I reach to my right to grave some paper towels and dabbed my face dry. I heard that if you rub it will create wrinkles. What, I care about my appearance a little bit.

Grabbing my backpack off the ground and swinging it over my shoulder. I look up at my reflection agian.

"Just a few more days Alessia, then you can be free with Nicky, you can handle that, can you?" I say, nodding to my own question.

I left the girls restroom to hear the finle bell ring. 'Oh no I'm late agian!' I wined in my head. I start walking down the hall to my left that had my classes.

Reaching my class I took in a deep breath and opened the door. Everyone looked at me. Some wispering and giggling because they know what happen.

"Miss Watson, you're late. Agian" My teacher Mr. Brown said crossing his arms leaning on his desk in the top right of the class

"S-sorry Mr. Brown, I-I was cleaning my self up" I stuttered out. Higher authority sometimes make my realy nervous for some reason.
My teacher sighed runing the brig of his nose befor saying "just go sit down" I nodded and walk down to my seat keeping my head low. I almost made it to my seat when a foot reached out and made me trip and fall to the floor and everyone started to laugh. I look up to see who tripped me and to no surprise it was Luke.

"Ok everyone quiet down or else I will move the test to tomorrow!" Mr. Brown voice boomed across the class. He cant realy do anything no one can because well, it's the Alpha's son and the future Alpha what ever he does is aloud some people might not like it.

I got back to my feet and sat in my seat and took out my note book and a pencil. I start to take down note that was going to be on an upcoming teast that week.


"So how was you day?" I ask holding Nicolas hand as we walk down the sidewalk to the house.

"It was good we are learning how to read!" He explained exactly

Nicolas was always super smart. He realy like math so he is at a higher grade level because he studied it so much when he got the chance. But reading was a bit difficult for him to understand so it was grate that he was now at his reading grade level, I have trouble understanding reading too. Ma said I got that from her so I guess Nick got it for her to if he was like me.

"Oh yeah? That's awesome reading is very important" I say "Hey it is almost my 18th birthday in just a few short 2 days! And during the weekend when I turn 18 I will buy an apartment and we can live there, we get to have a proper bed to sleep in, and proper meals as well" I say. I have scavenged for money for the longest time. I'm sad to say that I have even stolen some from other people but they never noticed it though. I hidden it in the roof of the basement there was this little cubby that no one ever seemed to notice it so I hid the money in there. I have around 1,500 dollars saved up. I always check if it is there when I go to bed and it is still there.

Nicolas got even more excited smiling from ear to ear. Even having a little pop in his step. "We get to have better cloths, and lodes of fun" I added as I start to smile

"Alessia can you tell me a story about our Ma and Pa tonight after we check if the stuff is still there?" Nicolas ask but wispering the last part. I told him that no one can know about the money or else they will take it and we can leave this place.

It was already set and stone that when I turn of age I will atemadicly get custody of Nick, but I have always token care of Nick so that was never realy the problem.

We entered the house and we see out Aunt and Uncle passed out on the couch. I let out a sigh of relief that these two weren't awake or else it wold just be horrible. "Here, go put our backpacks in the basement and come back, I'm going to start cleaning" I wispered not wanting my Aunt and Uncle to wake up.

Nicolas nodded and took both of out backpacks to the basement. Our cuisine, Abigail is always out with her friends so I knew we didn't have to deal with her today.
I walk over to the right into the kitchen and grabbed the trash can and brought it to the living room. They seem to be a bit calm if the room they wake up in is clean so that's why I'm going to be cleaning the living room first. I pick up some beer bottles and Coco cola cans and throw them into the resiceling bin I have made. That is also another way I get some money although it isn't much every penny helps. I empty their cigarette try wiping down the coffee table to get rid of the ashes and spills that got on it.

Nicolas comes up and kneels down to start to pick up the buds on the floor.

I open the windows to let out some of the smoke and smell of marijuana go out. I start to work my way around them on the couch geting rid of any ashes or buds they left here. I set the couch pillows up right and in their proper position the best way I could while my Aunt and Uncle are there.

After I was done with that I put the trash can back into the kitchen and took out the garbage bag. Tying it in a knot and placing a empty beg in.
Taking the bag that was full I took it out side to put it in the garbage bins that was on the side of the house.

Coming back in I see Nick already geting started with the kitchen. I come up behind him when he was puting a glass in the dishwasher and rubbed his hair geting my fingers cought in his curls. Nicolas looks up at me and I smiled down at him. I just dont know what I wold do with out him. He started to finesh puting the dishes in the dishwasher and cleaning what he couldn't fit by hand while I started to make dinner and I decided to make spaghetti with meat balls.


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