Hoi There!

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Yoo! What is up everybody?? It's FreshyBean here to tell you about this book! This book is just all about having fun! You can have swearing as long as you try to censor it, and of course.. Lots of sin and fluff. lol. And don't rp on this page please!

This is my rp book for all of the things that I love to rp! This'll be mostly sin for Sans x Sans, but if you want fluff then I'm fine with it. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Also, questions are aloud for anything!


You can use your Oc's as long as I know them and you tell me about what they are like! You are aloud to tag me.

No suicide, no killing, no self harm, and.. I guess that's it! Have fun with the roleplaying everyone!!

Alright then.... Have a good day everyone!


My readers and rpers always get to pick who they wanna be!
I want to make my rpers happy so that they tell other people that I'm a good rper and good person to talk to!
Also yes, this is still open!


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