Boys and Girls

17 1 9

-Songs for this chapter, #1, Middle Finger by Bohnes, #2 Boy In The Bubble by Alec Benjamin. Also, I will put pictures of everyone in this chapter down at the bottom of this chapter.-

Ava woke up to something poking her face, she sighed and opened her eyes. She turned her head and saw Hanna's hand getting ready to poke her again. "I'm awake, I'm awake you can stop poking me!"

Hanna laughed and retracted her hand from the bars in the bunk bed. "Come on sleepy head, it's time to fucking explore!" Ava chuckled and thought back to last night, at least she had gotten some sleep.

"Did you have fun hanging out with Grace last night?" Ava asked as she climbed out of her bed. Hanna nodded and smiled, "yeah, I like her a lot. She's either going to be a really good friend or a really good girlfriend! She has no choice!" Hanna then proceeded to laugh menacingly.

Ava and Hanna stared at each other for a minute before they both burst out laughing. "Here, take an Airpod, we can listen to music together!" Ava smiled and took the Airpod that Hanna had handed her.

-Start #1-

Ava smiled and nodded her head along to the song. She walked over to her duffle bag and pulled out one of her red My Chemical Romance hoddies and a pair of ripped black jeans. After going to the bathroom and changing into the clothes, Ava brushed her teeth and hair.

-Thirty Minutes Later-

Hanna and Ava had their arms linked together as they walked through the woods. "So, what's your favorite food?" Hanna asked, Ava sighed. "This is such a hard question, Hanna!" Hanna laughed and wiggled her eyebrows at Ava.

Ava chuckled, "well... I like spaghetti a lot. But my favorite is probably fried chicken with potato salad." Hanna moaned, "that honestly sounds so fucking good right now, with some brownies oh my gosh!" Ava nodded, "that sounds really good, I wonder what's for lunch?"

Hanna shrugged, "I don't know, but I bet it's good. My older brother came here once and he said the food was delicious." Ava nodded, "It's been a while since I've had like really good food." Hanna nodded, "same," 'it's not really,' Ava thought but she put the thought aside.

"Oh! I had this crazy dream last night! I was fighting some raccoon who was trying to steal my hamburger and..." "Hello ladies, welcome back," Chance said while walking out behind some trees. Everyone that was standing around looked at Chance and Ava rolled her eyes.

Hanna stepped forward and looked him up and down, "what do you want dickhole?" Chance chuckled and shook his head, "nothing but you doll face," Hanna groaned, "I would beat thee but I would infect my hands by touching you. Now, away you three-inch fool!" 

One of the girls standing by a tree laughed and muttered, "Shakespeare," under her breath. "Come on, you know you want me, babe," Hanna shook her head, "I actually know that I don't and that you should leave me alone." 

-Stop #1 and play #2-

Chance rolled his eyes and took a step towards Hanna. Ava stepped in front of Hanna and glared at Chance. "Touch her asshat, and I'll beat you to shreds," Chance chuckled and bit his lip. "Maybe I'll touch you instead," Chance reached out his hand to her chest but Ava was quick and slapped his hand away. 

"Try that again, I dare you," Ava growled, Chance chuckled. "You couldn't hurt me if you tried sweetheart," Ava snarled at him. She knew she had to restrain herself, at least for now. Chance walked forwards and put his hands on her waist.

"See, you're not doing anything about it, you like it don't you?" Ava shook her head but Chance started to move his hands closer to her chest. "Hey!" a boy yelled as he stepped forward, but he was too slow. Ava had already punched Chance in the face.

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