
9 2 2

-One month later. WARNING! Mentions of blood and abuse in this chapter. Also mentions of self-harm. Songs for this chapter, #1, Control by Halsey, #2, Semi-Automatic by Twenty One Pilots. Start #1 now-

"Mika!" Ava yelled as she jolted upright. Ava frantically looked around the room, she was breathing heavily and when she felt her head she realized she was sweating. "M-Mika," she whimpered as she tried to control her breathing. 

She shook her head as her eyes were adjusting to the almost dark. Ava turned to the window and saw that the sun was just starting to rise. "I-I need someone," Ava whispered as she laid backdown and clutched at her pillow. The bed felt huge beneath her, she felt so alone.

She felt like she was left alone with all of her bad dreams, demons, and scary thoughts. "I need someone to hold," she whispered as tears rolled down her face. Ava got up out of bed after a few minutes and she walked over to her desk.

She pulled out her dream diary and started writing down her dream. Tears streamed down her face as she relived the nightmare she had just had. Ava's hands shook as she wrote the next part. "A-and, he was laying in a pool of his own blood, as he died tears rolled down his cheeks. He seemed to be in so much pain before the monster came out of nowhere and ripped his legs off."

Ava took in a breath and steadied her hand as she tried to remember what happened next. After she finished writing down the dream, Ava drew very detailed pictures of everyone from her dream. 

Ava sighed and leaned back in her chair as she finished. She turned her head to the side and saw that her clock said it was nine AM. "Breakfast," she mumbled as she stood up and walked out of her room. She quietly went downstairs and to the kitchen.

 Ava knew she was tired and needed more sleep, but she ignored the urge to go back to bed. 'I need to make breakfast,' she thought to herself as she started unloading the dishes. Ava's dad came out to the kitchen silently so it scared Ava and made her jump when he said, "what's for breakfast?"

 Ava accidentally dropped a plate onto the floor because she was so startled. Ava turned to her father as tears started to roll down her cheeks. "Daddy, please it was an," "accident?" He asked as he walked towards her.

Ava's dad lifted her up by her shirt, tears continued streaming down her face. Ava was starting to get a headache because of all the crying. "P-please!" Ava said desperately, "please, someone save me!" Ava's dad said, mocking her. He then raised his fist and punched her right in the nose.

-Start #2-

Ava held in her scream and instead she whimpered. Ava's dad smirked, "that's right, be afraid." Ava's dad then let go of her and walked back to his room. Ava steadied herself by holding onto the counter, her nose still hurt and she could feel the blood dripping down her face.

"Make eggs and bacon!" Ava's father yelled before he slammed his bedroom door. Ava winced when the door slammed and she reached up to wipe the blood from her nose. 'It's not broken,' Ava thought to herself as she grabbed the broom from beside her and started to sweep up the broken glass.

'I'll be fine, I just need to carry on,' Ava sighed, that was her answer to everything. To just carry on as if nothing had happened. 'What a shit morning this is turning out to be,' she thought to herself. After cleaning the glass up, Ava finished the dishes and made her father eggs and bacon.

Ava grabbed a blueberry muffin after giving her father the food. She then walked upstairs and went into her bathroom. She cleaned her nose up and hen sat on her bed. Ava started to eat her muffin as she stared at her phone.

She desperately wanted to text Mike, to tell him everything that happened and everything that was wrong. But she couldn't do that, and Ava would never text someone first. What if they didn't want to talk to her but felt obligated to? 

Ava sighed and took another bite of her muffin. Ava smiled widely the next time she looked down at her phone. Mika hadn't texted, but Hanna had and she was better than nothing. Ava unlocked her phone to see what Hanna had said.

Hanna: Hey!! Ugh, I miss you so much, it's hard to go from living with someone to not even seeing them! I hope we can get together soon, I've been to Mika's new house... maybe we can meet up there sometime!

Ava: Ehhh... that wouldn't work my parents

Oh, wait. She couldn't say her parents wouldn't let her, that might be suspicious. Ava deleted the text and started over.

Ava: Maybe, I've been really busy though. I do miss you though, isn't it your birthday tomorrow?

Hanna: You bet your ass it is! Grace is coming over, we're having a sleepover and I'm so excited!

Ava smiled, Hanna and Grace had announced that they were dating a few days ago. The way Grace had told Hanna she loved her was hilarious to Ava.

-Flashback (group chat with Hanna/Grace/Mika/Ava)-

Grace: Guys, me and Hanna are dating now!!

Mika: Oh my gosh you guys! I'm so happy!

Ava: You guys are so cute! Who confessed to who?

Grace: I did, I made it short and sweet and then asked her out

Hanna: Bull! Shit! We were sitting on the roof, right? And she screamed at the top of her lungs, and I quote, "listen here you little bitch! I have serious feelings for you and they must be acknowledged! I need lots of love and I need to give you lots of love! Go out with me or I will jump off of this roof!" Yes... she was that dramatic.

Ava: lol, hahaha omg Grace really?!

Grace: I wasn't that dramatic... well... maybe I was. But that's beside the lint!

Mika: oh my gosh, that is hilarious. I'm taking notes from Grace lol

-End if flashback-

Ava chuckled and turned back to text Hanna back.

Ava: I'm so glad that you're excited, tell her that I miss her!

Hanna: alright, I will! I need to go and get ready for tomorrow. Bye bae!

Ava: lol, bye-bye!

Ava smiled and set her phone down as she took the last bite of her muffin. What to do what to do? She asked herself. She smiled and walked over to her desk. She sat down and picked up her pencil. She then pulled out her phone and picked out a picture of Mika.

"Time to draw!" she said to herself before drawing the outline of Mika's face. Ava finished drawing he outline by lunchtime and the rest of it by dinner. After Ava finished drawing the picture, she sighed.

"He's so perfect and I'm so... not," Ava started crying again as she thought of how imperfect she was. And there it was, the urge to hurt herself. Ava didn't know where it came from, it seemed to be out of nowhere. Ava reached a shaky hand over to where she kept her X-ACTO knife.

Tears were still silently rolling down her face as she brought the knife to her wrist. Everything seemed to go silent except for Ava's heartbeat. 'I deserve this,' she thought to herself, 'I deserve all of this pain,' Ava let out a sob as she slashed a cut in her wrist. Ava bit her lip as to not let out any sound.

Ava didn't remember taking a shower, changing into her pajamas, or getting into bed. She just knew that her hair was wet, she was in comfy clothes, and she was staring up at her ceiling. Ava sighed and closed her eyes, she prayed that she wouldn't have another nightmare. Her only escape from her real-life nightmare was in her sleep, she hoped to actually escape this time.

-Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you did, please vote and comment, I really like hearing from you guys! I love you so much, never forget that! If any of you want to talk, my DM's are always open. Not to toot my own horn but I'm a nice person and I wouldn't mind at all if you contacted me. I love you so much! Have an amazing rest of your day/night!-

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