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So you were hanging out with your older brother Cole and his bandmates were coming over to hang out. This is going to be the first time you met your brother's bandmates you were excited yet nervous at the same team thinking that the boys would not like you. So you were helping Cole on cleaning the house and then the doorbell rung, and Cole ran over to the door and his bandmates came in. Cole introduced you to the guys a tall Asian looking dude who's name is Will, a Hispanic and his name is Gabe, a boy with curly hair with a snapback on and his name is Dana, and a guy with a Spider-Man shirt on his name is David. I do have to admit David was really cute. So we ended up messing around with each other through out the day.

2 months later

Me and the guys have gotten closer and you started having feelings for David. So you were talking to David in your room while your brother was out with his girlfriend. Than out of the blue David started to kiss you, so you started kissing him back than he said (Y/N) Will you be my girlfriend so you said yes and you guys were watching movies for the rest of the day.

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