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I get up and text jayla
Melly: hey beautiful thats gone be my last text that u gone get from me some fucked up shii happend and im gone be gone probably for a long time or my whole life just kno ill be thinking about u 💕 and i love u be save and if u need something let jgreen kno he gotcha I LOVE YOU KEEP YO HEAD UP SHAWTY ‼️❤️
After i send the text i hoped in the shower and got ready .
I called bortlen
Bortlen: wassup .. bruh
Melly: the girl with chu ?
Bortlen : yea she finna leave
Melly: uhhhh smb had a wild night
We both laugh
Bortlen: stfu bruh <ightt bae love you dont u forget me the time im gone *gives her a kiss * >
Ight bruh she gone
Melly: ight get ready im finna tell ma to get ready and we gone pick u up
Bortlen:did u tell yo future girl wassup ?
Melly: i didnt really tell her wassup but she gone find out
Bortlen: oh ok bruh ill see u later
Melly: ight slime
I hang up the phone and text my mom to get ready
I sit on my bed thinking if i really wanna do this if i really wanna leave jayla and all the other ppl that are important to me .
My mom called my name so i got up i left my phone and anything that's important at home i walk down the stairs as i see my mom about to cry i tell her
Melly: dont cry mom it gone be ightt
Mom: ik
Melly: ma? But promise me youll come see me
Mom: ill promise u baby
I open the door for her and we walk to the car and pick bortlen up .
Otw to the police station me and bortlen grab something to eat and talk about wat we going to tell them  . As we get there we both get separated and they ask us questions and after that we get arrested and they bring us to jail .

I wake up and look at my phone to a message from melly, liah and miracle
I read the textfrom melly and started crying and i tried to to call him but he wouldn't respond liah told me to turn on the news
So i did. I see a mugshot of bortlen and melly and started crying more miracle said she and liah are otw . The news said melly and bortlen killed juvy and sak i don't believe that at all . I cut the tv off and get dressed wiping away the makeup i just messed up . Liah and miracle come in an call my name
Liah & miracle: jay!!!!
Since both of them have the keys to my house they can get in here anytime and im glad they are bestfriends
Me: im coming!!!! *sniff sniff*
I walk down the stairs and hug both of my bestfriends and start cryin again we all cry
We decided that we will invite jgreen over so he could bring some pizza , ice cream and alcohol
As he knocks on the door liah opens and kisses him i smile bc im happy for my bestfriend
But miracle looks sad af so i told them two to take the guest room and well take the food and Alcohol and go in my room .
As we get to my room we play music
Me: miracle?
Miracle: yea?
Me: u wanna stay over here till they come back i could use some company from my bestfriend that kno how it feels
Miracle : yea sure well have fun
She smiles we both cuddle and fall asleep on my bed well now out bed


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