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1st person ;; mina

"Mina!" I could hear Nayeon calling to me, we were all in our dressing room after our first performance came on. Honestly the 2018 MAMA awards weren't that great, we got criticised a lot for winning a bunch of awards, as everyone knows it was rigged. Certain fans kept getting mad that their group wasn't winning any awards. I understand it, but I always felt hurt when they said it was our fault. Maybe it was, maybe I was doing something wrong, but we never let that fear always get to us. At least, the others didn't.

"Yes, Nayeon-unnie?" I said as I looked at her, I was still at my vanity fixing up my hair. Nayeon was holding a paper, a little bunny-themed note pad paper.

"Yah, do you need paper?" What? I was very confused by her, who goes up to someone and asks, 'Hey do you need this random unnecessary paper that'll totally come in hand at some point in your life?' I don't usually question people, or show that I'm questioning them so I just said Yes.

"Sure, thanks unnie." I sort-of awkwardly blurted out. Come to think of it that paper would come in handy. Soon.


1st person ;; chaeyoung

It was now later that day, after the awards, since it was the last day we could rest in peace at home.

Dahyun had a bunch of mail piled up in her hands, it all had names of random people on the back. We were opening fan-mail, it always was fun to read messages from ONCEs across the world. It was also very interesting to see where they were from.

I hadn't thought we'd have so many fans, especially from America. It always surprises me how famous we got, I'm always grateful for this life of fame, it's just sometimes it can get out of hand with problems. Sometimes it can be about fan-wars, hate, being called overrated or even sometimes being told to die.

My thoughts were stopped by a certain strong-roots Dubu. She threw a few letters at me, indicating that they were mine. She quickly went back to throwing letters at more of our members.

Every letter was unique, they all had cute messages and something to cheer us up. Sometimes there would be that one "fan" who only sent a letter to hate on us. But what really caught my eye was a certain letter with a cute bunny-themed paper.

roses are red, violets
are blue, i don't know how to
rhyme, but chaeyoung is cute!

That was it, nobody signed it, nobody left anything other than the silly poem written on it. Which was weird seeing as you'd need to write your name and address to mail a message.

There was a smile on my mouth, it was cute and funny to tell the truth. But it's not like I was ever going to see that again. I put the fan-mail aside and continued reading the rest.

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