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Chapter 2: Moving On

~Armin Point Of View~

"The words kept on ringing in my head,' Suicidal Thoughts, Suicidal Thoughts' I can't believe Eren wanted to actually kill himself. I understand why he wants to but Killing yourself isn't the way to go" Armin thought.

9:30am Class in Session

Armin went and sat at his Desk, the eyes of his Classmates kept on crossing his mind, their stares were like razors. Slicing through one victim and eyeing up the other. The same to Eren as well, everyone kept on staring at the two, as if they weren't wanted that is.

"Another tough day for Me and Eren I guess" Armin muttered.

Eren was sat just two seats to his right. People kept on glancing at him, trying to mock him in a way. Someone said to him "Jeager, Levi wants to see you" that person said while he smirked. I don't get it why was he Levi's Target and why doesn't anyone else get hit on?

Later after Class had concluded, Eren and Armin decided to leave after everyone else had left. Their Teacher noticed this. She approached the two.

"You two okay?" asked Naomi, was her name.

Eren and Armin stared at each other and looked back at her, they gave her a vague but noticeable smile.

"Y-yeah the two of us are F-fine" Eren said.

"Y-yeah T-thats it......." Armin said while looking around him nervously.

"Hmmm okay then now of with you two" Naomi said.

The two gave her a nervous chuckle and left the Classroom. They entered the school hallway. All eyes was on them it was as if people enjoyed seeing them get hurt. This was only due to them only being the Classes representative at a School Tournament in which the Winner and their School would get a Trip of their choice. Because they lost, this was their punishment.

The two walked through the Corridor, the sound of their steps kept them on edge, most of the Students kept on talking about them, either false rumours that was spread via the Schools Group.

They made it to their Second Class and instantly went inside without even considering the Teacher who was still outside. They sat at their Desks and kept on staring at the Green Chalk Board that was right in front of them.

"We're lucky aren't we" Eren said.

Armin turned to face him and gave him a confused look.

"W-what do you mean" Armin replied back.

"I mean is no one Kicked Us or poked names at us for once" said Eren.

Armin frowned at what Eren said, it was true normally people would be throwing shit at them, but no one did for once.

10:45am Second Class in Session

Armin stayed focused on the Teacher in front of him, he wanted to keep his thoughts to himself while learning. Problem was that one of the Popular Groups Student was in his Class, it was Annie Leonhart. Just perfect. Eren however was being harassed by a few of the Boys and Girls around him, going from having Chewing Gum stuck to his hair and Paper Spitballs being struck at him.

This was a Nightmare........

Annie on the other hand turned back and faced Armin she had a grin on her face. She snatched the Test Paper that Armin had filled out and gave him the Blank one.

"These answers better be right....." Annie said with aggression.

Armin ignored her and looked back at the new blank test paper. He didn't know what their issue was, why was the Victims him and Eren?

"I'M TALKING TO YOU" Annie looked back and lunging towards him.

Armin gradually sat back even further, the Class Teacher approached her.

"Annie anything the Problem" said Rick, was his name.

"Nothing" said Annie.

"Okay, focus on that paper in front of you" said Rick.

"Sir" Armin said.

"Yes what is it Armin" said Rick.

"Is it okay if Me and Eren Finish this in the Library" said Armin.

Eren looked at Armin and mouthed the Word 'Thank You' Armin grinned.

"I guess you two can, put the paper back on my Desk when your Finished" said Rick.

"Sure" said Armin.

Armin got up and gave Annie a corny smirk,

"See ya Later Bitch" Armin thought.

Before he could move from her, Annie stepped out her leg and made him trip. The whole class burst out laughing. Armin just let it go and got up, him and Eren left the class. Whereas Annie would be facing punishment.

They made it to the Library and sat down at the Desks. Armin sighed.

"What's wrong" asked Eren.

"You see even though we get half our answers right we're still targets by that Group" Armin said.

Eren understood what he meant. He sighed himself.

"Yeah I know......" said Eren.

For the rest of their time there they finished off the test paper and stayed there, the duo just stared at the Ceiling and kept on thinking to themselves. They eventually left the Library and went back to class. They handed the Test Papers in left not even making a conservation with the Teacher.

They made it outside and saw the Group, Levi, Mikasa, Annie, Reiner and Bertolt, Petra wasn't around for some reason.

Annie notices them and shouts....

"THERE THEY ARE" Annie shouted getting the others attention.

"Armin we gotta run......NOW" Eren said.

He nodded in agreement.

They took off the other direction.

"COME ON LET'S GET EM" Annie shouted. The others agreed.

They chased them up the street and down the street. Across the bridge and through one of the House Streets.

The group ultimately gave up, and trudged back.

Eren and Armin were panting, they were this Tired. They hid in Armin's Back Garden, he had a tree house there but one the group didn't know about. That was until the duo heard a noise from where they were hiding. They looked back.

"W-whose there?" said Armin.

The person walked into the view and it was one who was part of Levi's group.

"Its you" said Armin..........

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