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Chapter 28: Years From Now

~Eren's Point Of View~

Wednesday Afternoon

Eren was at Home today, he was sat in his Living Room staring at nothing but the TV, while also playing Red Dead Redemption 2 on his PS4, he decided to enjoy a Day to himself this meant that he didn't have to worry about Work nor any paperwork he may have. Today was just his Day. But that was pretty hard when you have Mikasa as your Girlfriend.

Eren then paused the game.

He put the Controller Down and got his Phone Out. He turns it on to see a Text Message Notification from Mikasa. He unlocks his Phone and reads the Text that Mikasa sent him.


"Hey Eren. Just texting you to tell you that I've finished work early today and maybe we could spend some time together. What'd you think? Anyway I'll see you back at the Apartment. Xxx Mikasa."

Eren didn't know to reply or not, he was not himself still. Although he enjoyed being with Mikasa, he still couldn't let go of the past, something that reminded him everyday. Via the Scar on his Rib and the Bruises from being beaten up.

"Get a grip man, she apologised to you, some things are left in the past just forget about it and move on, your future is now with Mikasa" Eren thought.

Timeskip (Evening Hour)

Eren and Mikasa were sat in the Living Room cuddled together while also watching a Movie together. Everything was perfect until Eren received another Text. But from his Work Colleague instead.

"Sorry Mikasa, I gotta take this, be right back" Eren.

"Oh that's okay, take your time, I'll be here if you need me" Mikasa.

She gave Eren a Cute Smile. One that made Eren blush as well. He left the Living Room and went to his Office Room.

He was sat on his Office Chair and read the Text. It was a Message from Jean.


"Hey Boss, just messaging you to tell you that I've done this weeks annual report and I've emailed you the rest of the PDF including this weeks Numbers and Profits for you to have a look at, as I'm sure you'll need it in the Meeting this Week, Jean"

Eren smiled upon reading this Text, he had such a hard working Number 2 along with him that he questioned himself.

"How have I not Promoted him Yet. He works harder than the others, but why? He changed his ways upon seeing Mikasa, hmmm nahh that's not true, I'll have a talk with him Tomorrow" Eren thought.

He placed his phone back on his Desk and left his Office Room. He went back to the Living Room where he saw Mikasa had fallen asleep. He smiled seeing her fast asleep.

He approached her and kissed her forehead, while also placing a Duvet Cover over her. He turned off the TV and left her to sleep. He grabbed his Jacket and Keys and left his Apartment. He was walking down the hallway and spotted Levi leaving as well. Eren approached him and Levi noticed, he stopped to face Eren.

"Eren" Levi.

"Levi" Eren.

Silent then engulfed the Two as they weren't even talking but just facing each other. Eren stated at the one person he resented the most. The one Person who not only brought pain to him but made him feel isolated amongst others, made him question his own life to a point where Eren had suicidal thoughts. Not that it mattered but the question would be is would anyone Miss him, his Brother Zeke definitely would and so would his best friend Armin. While staring Levi decided to break the silence.

Levi stuck his hand out in front of Eren. Eren stated back, he saw Levi had his hand out and he gladly accepted the hand shake.

"Reason your shaking my hand" Eren.

Levi looked down, he wasn't himself which was definitely a first. That was until he said something surprising.

"I'm...........Sorry" Levi.

Eren gasped slightly. His resentment for a person he once hated vanished and the guilt of holding a grudge against a person who wants to do right happen to also go away. Like it was snapped out of existence.

Eren's lips formed a Smile. He looked back towards Levi.

"Apology accepted........Freind" Eren.

Levi looked straight back at him.

"What'd you just say?" Levi.

"Hmmm why do you ask.....I said Friend to you" Eren.

"Ohhh I see" Levi.

Levi's lips also formed into a Smile.

But soon after Levi turned around and then walked off, he stopped one more time and turned around and said something.

"Take care of Mikasa. If you don't know then you should know this, she truly loves you, don't waste this opportunity with her, love her, hold her and never let her go" Levi.

After saying that he walked off. Through the double doors and towards the Elevator.

"Yeah I will" Eren.

With that Eren turned around and headed straight for his Apartment. He unlocked the Door and entered, the Hallway was still dark but it didn't faze him one bit, but before entering his Living Room something was in there with Mikasa. Something unusual. A figure of some sort. Tall, Lean, and has a sturdy body.

Eren gradually walked closer to the Living Room Door, but before he could see who it was he tripped on something which caused a sound which also alarmed the figure in the Living Room, Eren then burst through the Door but the Balcony Door was already opened the Person had left via the Fire Escspe.

Mikasa soon regained consciousness and rubbed her eyes.

"Huh" *Yawn* "Something wrong Eren" Mikasa.

Eren didn't say anything but just Hug Mikasa, Mikasa was confused but she returned the Hug.

"What is it Eren?" Mikasa.

Eren was honest with her and didn't want to lie.

"Someone just now was in the Living Room with you, I didn't see who it was but they were here staring at you Mikasa" Eren.

Mikasa then looked to see the Balcony Door Swung opened. She immediately got frightened and gripped onto Eren's Jacket.

"Re-really, oh my god" Mikasa.

"It's okay, I'm here now, thankfully I did otherwise who knows what could've happened?" Eren.

After Mikasa let go of Eren, Eren approached the Balcony and saw what seemed to be a Photo on the Ground, he picked it up and saw that it was a picture of Mikasa. But that was not all.

In the middle of the Picture in big bold Red Words, the Word 'Mine' was written in Red Writing.

"Who was that just now?" Eren thought.

"Well whoever it was, was after Mikasa" Eren thought yet again.

(AN: Have you guys guessed who it may be, if you know then I salute you, literally I will)

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