Chapter 2

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December 28, 2014

Tory's POV

The next the day I woke up. I sleep in random room, when I turn to my right its Niall then I smile for a moment when he sleeps. I hear some foot step running to our room, "Oh, hey there. Why did you wake up so early?" "We just make an breakfast." Louis said. I nodded. "Wake up your Niall and eat breakfast." Zayn said. "Okay." Then they go downstairs to wait for us. When I woke up Niall "Hey Niall wake up, the breakfast is ready." "Mfmh" he groaned "WAKE UP!" I yelled at him. "No, I don't want to." "Wake up or else I'll hide all of your food!!" "Okay, I'm up! Where's my precious food? I know they are waiting for me." "Its down stairs, waiting for your precious mouth to eat them." I smiled. "Okay lets go downstairs." And I followed Niall near the door.

Harry's POV

We heard Tory shouted at Niall's room. "Hey guys maybe something happened at Niall's room, we should go upstairs." They nodded. And we sprinted to Niall's room. We just let our ear pressed the door. "No, I don't want to." Niall groaned. "Wake up or else I'll hide all of your food!" We giggled. Nice choice Tory. "Okay, I'm up! Where's my precious food? I know that they are waiting for me." Niall almost cried in front of Tory. "Its down stairs, waiting for your precious mouth to eat them." Tory said. "Okay let's go downstairs." Until they open the door, and we piled up on the floor and I groaned for pain because of they're heaviness. "Oh my goodness your scared me!" Tory shouted. "Hey, Harry you okay? It seems that someone wrestled you there." Niall said and help him to get up. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay someone just piled at my back." "Oh, okay." they said in unison. "We should go down stairs, the food is waiting for us." Tory said, and we nodded.

Tory's POV

When we walked to door, the boys piled up to the floor and Harry groaned "Oh my goodness you scared me!" I almost jumped at the back of Niall. "Hey, Harry you okay? It seems that someone wrestled you there." Niall said and help him to get up. "Yeah, yeah I'm okay someone just piled at my back." And they looked at each other like nothing happen to them. "Oh, okay" me and Niall said. "We should go down stairs, the food is waiting for us." and they nodded. When we are walking down stairs, Niall sprinted to the table. "Hey take it easy, the food will never be lost." Liam said. I chuckled on what Liam said. That's kinda funny. "Who cooked this pasta?" I asked everyone, Liam raised his hands shyly. "How's does it taste like?" Zayn asked. "It taste so good! I like this so much! This is my favorite food!! Thanks for the cook Liam!" I shouted even my is still full of pasta and hugged Liam. "Welcome Tory, atleast you enjoyed it." Liam said happily and i kissed him on the cheek. After finishing the breakfast with the boys, I put my plate on the sink and go to the living room. "Hey what's the day today?" I asked. "It's sunday! Why?" Zayn said. "Oh nothing, I'm just asking because I need to be back on the tv later." "Oh. But why are going back later on tv? What's on the tv?" "Well actually, I'm watching WWE. That's why I'm gonna be back here later because I'm gonna watch Tables, Ladders, Chairs, and Stairs(TLC and Stairs for short)." "Since when do you watch that kind of wrestling?" He said while going to the couch and sit beside me. "Since when I was in pre-shool days." "Oh. Okay. Is wrestling kinda interesting to watch?" He asked, "Sometimes wrestling is kinda bored but its more interesting when there is an event like TLC, Summer Slam, Night of Champions, Money in the Bank and many more." I said with a smile. "Tory take a bath now, we're going to the mall." Niall spoke on the stairs before Zayn could talk. "Okay. I'll gonna be upstairs." I said to Zayn and he smiles to me.

Zayn's POV

After that conversation with Tory, I never thought that she likes to watch WWE. Maybe I should ask Niall if he could allow Tory to watch in the arena tomorrow and buy the tickets now. I should go now to talk with Niall. I knocked on Niall's door "Come in!" He shouted. I open the door and see him lying on his bed. "What is it Zayn?" "Um. Can I ask you something?" "Shoot it." "Can you allow Tory to watch WWE tomorrow in Verizon Center? Since we are still here in the Washintong, DC? Because she said to me a while ago that she also like WWE and she want to meet some superstars." I said nervously while rubbing my neck. Think fast Niall before Tory could know it before we buy the tickets for her. "Uh, sure. Tell the others that we'll gonna surprise her tomorrow so that she could meet some superstars." Finally Niall you spit it out before she get out of her room. This is gonna be fun. "Thanks Niall." "Your welcome Zayn." And I sprinted downstairs and saw the boys seatting on the couch and waiting for Tory to go down. "Why are you so happy Zayn?" Louis asked. "We're gonna surprise Tory for tomorrow." "What's for tomorrow?" Liam asked. "We are going to Verizon Center to watch WWE and we will let her meet some superstars there." "That's good." They said in unison. This is awesome.

Tory's POV

What should I buy today? And I also I wanted to meet some wrestlers. I wish the boys could buy some tickets. Geez I'm so excited to see them!! Maybe I should buy new stuffs like my phone, laptop, clothes and anything. And also a gift for the boys and my twin friends in the orphanage, damn I miss that orphanage but not the war freaks there. And I need to buy gifts for my cousins and my half-brother Roman in the Samoan family, just for sure if I meet them. Before I go out from my room, I was searching my shoes. Crap!! I always forgot that my shoes is in my walk in closet. I always forget something and its like I don't know where I put it. When I'm done, I get my old phone and walk out from my room. I didn't even tell them that I have a half-brother before. Maybe I should tell it to them in the right time.

Louis' POV

What the heck is WWE? While waiting for Tory, I grab my phone and go to YouTube and watch the episode on what Tory said to Zayn a while ago. When I'm watching some segment, I found out some interesting part, the guy with the half bleached hair stomped the head of the other guy who wears the military cargo shorts. Crap!! That kinda hurt when someone stomp you directly in your head (Seth Rollins-Two-toned hair and John Cena-military hair cut). After the segment of John Cena and Seth Rollins, I watch the other one, the next fight I think is for the championship. I look closely to the fight, the guy who is wearing all black vest and pants I think that's Roman Reigns and his opponent the guy with the shiny head is the Big Show. Roman Reigns superman punch Big Show. Dang that's hard, he just punch it on the face. I think the Roman guy is strong enough for Big Show because he is tough enough to fight a big guy like Big Show. When Tory is calling me many times, I screamed and almost threw my phone outta no where "The heck Tory?!?! I'm still watching the segment. You are just lucky that I didn't Superman punch you in the face and throw my phone on you!!" "Easy mate, we are just having fun. At least she didn't do anything bad." Harry said. That's the time when I calm down, I can't fight with her because she is just a teenager. "Okay, let me finish it in the car. Let's go now before its lunch time." And they stand up from the couch and walk out in the house. Dang life, they destroy my momentum of watching it.

Niall's POV

Liam is driving us to the mall. While we are in the car ride, I was on my phone to buys the tickets for tomorrow's show, WWE Monday Night RAW at Verizon Center. Me and the lads had the 2 months vacation so that we could spend more time in our family. When I ordered the tickets, it cost $60 and I used my card so that I can get it later in the mail box before we arrive at the house. Tory will be happy for this. But I'm just curious about Tory, she looks like Roman Reigns from the wrestling that I watched with Louis a while ago, maybe her family didn't know that she's with us.

Long update. Sorry for this. I know that I need to finish something before the Christmas break starts. So forgive me.



@lilo_tomlinpayne xx

Last update: 12/27/14

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