Part 19 Aftercare.

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From the writer:
Soooo after years and years I finally decided to finish this sh*t! I was shocked to find out that people still find this and read this so I felt bad about never finishing it! So! Here it comes! I'll do a few more parts and complete it for y'all! Hope you enjoy!^^

Part 19: Aftercare.

A few months had passed since that awful day. Joey was recovering from the trauma and so was Seto. However, there was still a lot of mental problems that Joey had to get over, but with the care and love he got from Seto, he figured it wouldn't take that long to feel like himself again. He was already feeling good enough to be alone at times when needed. It was a big issue the first two months. He constantly needed someone beside him in order to relax, and that usually was Seto Kaiba himself who stood by his side. They spent most of the day together, and even the nights where they held each other closely. It was their way of catching up on the days they had lost with one another.

"Want some coffee sir?"

Isono, Seto's most trusted body guard asked while pouring a coffee cup for himself in Seto Kaiba's luxury and huge office. Seto instantly give Isono a glare as he was annoyed.

"What I want is to find Kisara! It's been months since she disappeared already and no one can find her! Not the police, not the FBI, and not even my own men!"

Seto Kaiba bursted out in frustration. Kaiba was usually good at hiding and controlling his emotions when needed, but this was testing his emotions to the core. Only time he could truly show his frustration was with Isono. He couldn't show this kind of weakness in front of Joey, not when Joey was still recovering mentally and thinking that she was still in prison when she actually had vanished to thin air before the police could take her.

"Sir. I know it's frustrating and scary but maybe she decided to leave you two alone after all? It's been a while now. Maybe she give up and made a new life for herself?"

Kisara was a powerful women with riches and glory, and Seto knew her better than anyone when it came to her personality, and that was that she would never give up that easily. So he just knew that she would try and have her revenge on them one day, which Seto Kaiba wouldn't allow to happen. Not ever again would he let Joey be in danger again.

"I wish that was the case Isono, but there's just no way that's true. She's going to try to have her vengeance, and I need to stop her before she manage to do that."

"I understand sir... I hope she'll be find soon and put to prison. But-... did you want some coffee?"

Isono asked again with a gentle smile, which Seto answered with a slight nod.

"I need the energy boost for my last meeting. Then I'm heading right home to Joey. Make sure to get my car ready."

"Yes, sir! As you wish!"

Isono bowed and rushed out of the office to let Kaiba prepare for his last meeting. At the meantime, Joey was alone in the mansion. He had basically moved in officially now with Kaiba. A fast step for the new couple, but it was the right one to do. They were after all inseparable. Only time they weren't together was when Seto had to work at the office.

"Gaaahhh I'm sooo bored!!"

Joey yelled out while stretching his arms and legs.

"Been watching tv for the last 4 hours! Got not'ing else to do anymore!.... maybe.... just maybe I should go out for a little bit?"

Joey talked out loudly to himself. He turned towards the windows and walked to them. He looked outside to see Seto Kaiba's men marching around the area to protect his land.

"Seto really didn't need that many body guards... wonder what he's so freaked out about. It's not like Zero is alive anymore, and Kisara is in prison. What did Seto say now again? That she was going to be in there for life time? Hope that's the case... I don't know what I would do if I knew she was out again."

Joey continued to talk to himself, and felt a shiver run down his spine as he was thinking back to the day Seto rescued him. He rubbed his arms that was shivering and took a deep breath in order to calm himself down. Going out was a no no for him still.

"It's all good... everything's juuust fine."

Joey smiled as he managed to control his panic attack before it unleashed.


"..... Joey has finally lost it."

An annoyed, yet loving voice said.

"Nyeh? EYYYY TRISTANNN! How ya doing there bud???"

Joey yelled out while rushing over to his best friend to give him a hug.

"Are you asking me how I am doing?! Have you looked at yourself these days?? Look at your tummy! Did Kaiba come up with a way to impregnant you or something?"

Tristan asked while grabbing ahold of Joey's fluffy belly.

"Hey, Hey, hey! Nock it off already man! Do you have no matters eh? Ya don't just grab someone's belly like that!"

Joey groaned out and pushed Tristan's hand away, which Tristan reacted by laughing.

"Whatever~ I came over to ask if you wanna go out for a run? You know, to get in shape and also get some fresh air at the same time!"

"....Ehm, I don't know T. I wanna, but- I can't... it's hard to explain."

Joey said with a slight frown and rubbed his arm.

"...Is it the anxiety? Kaiba told me a little bit about it, but he also said that it was getting better, so I figured some pushing would help you out"

"Thanks man, I really mean it, but I'm just not there yet. Soon though! Give me a few more days and I'll be running by your side!"

Joey said with a big bright smile, which Tristan reacted by smiling back at his best friend. He put his hand on top of Joey's hair and ruffled it up a bit.

"When you're ready, just give me a call. Got it? I'll rush over here as fast as I can!"

"Thanks Tristan. I appreciate it a lot..."

"Well, I'm off then! If you need me, just give me a call! Don't forget that!"

Tristan said and waved goodbye. Joey nodded and waved back as well. After Tristan left, Joey jumped back onto the couch and let out a big sigh.

"Man... I feel like shit again. I should've just tried harder and went out with him, but the thought alone got me freaked out for some reasons... maybe something is wrong with me. What if I never get better? What if I forever stay like this?... will Seto even like me if I do?...he's probably gunna get tired of me if I don't get better... got damn it!! Why am I so weak?!"

Joey said and pulled a pillow over his face. He groaned out and really tried to think about something else, but once the tears were building up in his eyes, they really didn't know how to stop, so he silently cried into the pillow. Feeling pathetic and weak once again.

(Next chapter coming up soon!)

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