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September, Wednesday 22

Dear diary,

I was so late for school today because Mom was taking Kenny to the hospital to check out his wrist and there was no way I was hitching a ride in Dad's police car. I made it just in time, but Mrs Murdock just sighed heavily through her nose like I was always late and that's what she'd come to expect of me. Rude!

A few minutes later, Justine walked over to Mrs Murdock's desk and asked for a bathroom pass. She made a real show of it, flipping her blond curls over her shoulder and giving giving the teacher a big dimpled smile. It worked and she got her bathroom pass. I decided to try it. I tossed my plain ginger hair over my shoulder, grinned my dimpleless smile and asked for a bathroom pass too.

Mrs Murdock stared at me with this look on her face. "Are you okay, Riley?" She asked, "Why are you doing that with your neck?"


Anyway, Justine had her birthday party yesterday and I hear it was dead posh, with a profiterole tower instead of a birthday came, and a chocolate fountain. What a showoff.

My birthday's almost four days away now, and I've decided that I'm going to have a birthday party too. Not big and fancy like Justine's though. There's no way my parents would fork over for something so expensive.

I can hear someone coming up the stairs now - must be Robby. He's been really happy lately because this really cool guy at his school came over for a chess match, and he's got this new girlfriend, Raven (or was it Haven?). They keep sneaking up to his all the time room to do stuff. I don't know what exactly they might be up to, but they certainly ain't playing chess.

I'll write more later, if I get the time. TTYL!

P.S: That means Talk To You Later, but since this is a book I guess I'll have to go with Write To You Later. I'm quirky that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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