Shawn Hunter

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Riley's POV

"You have to get your homework done early," mom reminded Auggie and me. "We're having dinner tonight at Shawn's."

"Mom, does Uncle Shawn even know how to cook?" I asked.

"Of course he knows how to cook, Riley. He's a grown man," my mother said.

"Actually, I'm not so sure about that," my dad cut in. "Shawn said his girlfriend was making dinner for tonight."

"Ooh, what's her name?" I asked them.

"We'll tell you, but you can't make fun of it," mom said.

I nodded in agreement.

"Her name is Katy."

"Why would I laugh at that?" I asked.

"Clutterbucket, Katy Clutterbucket," my mom finished.

"Clutterbucket?" I laughed. "What kind of name is that?"

"Just please don't laugh when we're with them," dad said.

"Shawn seems to really like her. His eyes sparkle and you can hear something in his voice when he talks about her," mom said. "I've never seen him this happy, so please be nice."

"This is an interesting place," I commented as we walked up to Shawn's apartment with his girlfriend.

"It's just another side of town," dad said.

We knocked on the door and when it opened I saw that it was Maya Hart on the other side of the door.

"Hey, Riley," she greeted.

"We're looking for Katy Clutterbucket," I turned on my heels. "I'm sorry, I think we're in the wrong place."

"Nope, welcome in to the home of Katy Clutterbucket and Shawn Hunter. Oh yeah, and me."

She let us in with an odd expression on her face, bitterness, resentment, anger, hurt. I couldn't tell exactly what it was.

Maya's POV

"Cor, Topanga," Shawn said hugging them. "How you doing, Riley and Auggie?" he said enthusiastically.

"Uncle Shawn," they both said hugging him.

It was strange, I've never seen him this warm with anyone besides my mom. He's nice to me, but not anything like this, more of a respectful-cause-I'm-dating-your-mom way.

"This is Katy," he introduced my mother. "And this is her daughter Maya."

After a few more minutes of small talk, we sat down for dinner. 

"Is something wrong?" mom asked when she saw me wincing trying to sit down.

"No, just a little sore from gym class," I lied with a fake smile to try and convince her further.

Riley's POV

Maya's lying. She missed her gym period because of her suspension. Plus, she usually skips gym anyway.

But her lie was soon forgotten because, at the end of the meal, Shawn stood up and tapped his glass with his spoon.

"I have an announcement to make," he cleared his throat.

"We have an announcement to make," my mom said taking his hand.

"We're engaged," they both said excitedly at the same time.

Maya started choking on her water and nearly spit it out all over the table.

"Are you okay, Maya?" Shawn asked.

"It just seems a little soon," she responded.

"We've been dating for a year, sweetie," Katy said.

"I know, I'm just surprised."

"I think you should be happy for them, Maya," I said quietly to her.

"Fuck off, Riley," she rudely told me.

"Maya!" Katy scolded. "I know you're upset, but–"

Katy was cut off by the phone ringing.

"Hello?" Katy spoke into the phone. "Yes, she's here," she nodded.

"Crap, how did he know where I was?" I heard Maya mutter to herself.

She nervously shifted in her seat.

"Maya, your father wants to talk to you," her mom held the phone out to her.

Everyone's eyes were on her. She got up and grabbed the phone from her and went into the other room.

We all heard Maya yelling and cursing into the phone from the other room. When she came out ten minutes later, she was breathing heavily and her face was red.

Maya's POV

My dad was yelling at me for going to my mom's and that I had to come home or there would be consequences.

"I have to get going," I announced.

"You can spend the night if you want," mom said.

"No, dad wants me home, but thanks for offering."

I rushed to get my things together but was stopped by Shawn.

"Are you okay, Maya?" he asked.

"Yes," I said still rushing to collect my things. "I need to get home."

"You need to stop and tell us what's going on," he stopped me by lightly grabbing my arm making me wince.

He noticed, he totally noticed. We stood there deadlocked for a moment.

"No, Shawn, you can't steal my mom, take over my house, and tell me what to do. You're not my dad," I said coldly pulling away from him and leaving without another word.


Don't forget to vote and comment! Thank you to everyone who has been reading/voting on all the previous chapters More will be coming out soon!

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