(You) Don't Know

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Part 3 here, probably a little sooner than I expected.

Song: I Wish You Loved Me by Tynisha Keli


Adrien and I sat on a secluded bench in the park. We scoped the area making sure that no figures were in sight before we allowed our kwamis to appear out into the open. Tikki sat on my shoulder and Plagg rested on Adrien's knee.

"It's nice to see you again Sugarcube." Plagg said with a grin.

My kwami rolled her eyes. "How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Sugarcube?"

"As many times as you want. Too bad it's not going to get me to stop." Plagg said with a chuckle, but recieved no response from Tikki. "Oh come on, don't sit there and pretend you didn't miss me."

"Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. You'll never know you silly cat." Tikki playfully stuck her tongue out and Plagg pouted.

I giggled at our kwamis exchanges, until I noticed Adrien looking at my direction. He was smiling at me and I felt a little nervous under his gaze.

He continued to stare, so I felt that I should say something. "Is something wrong Adrien?"

He blinked and immediately looked away. "N..No nothing's wrong I'm just...." he sighed. "I'm wondering if I should go see my father."

Finding out that Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth was a huge shock to anyone in the city who knew his name. Yes, I had always suspected it, but it wasn't anythin like seeing the truth for myself.

And Adrien...poor sweet Adrien, he's had to suffer with the truth more than anyone else. Finding out that his father was the one spreading chaos throughout the city and his mother was lost in the process. In the state he was in, it's a miracle that he was able to get through it.

"If you want I'll go with you." I said reaching out for his hand and taking it in mine. "I know it's hard, giving everything that's happened, but you don't have to be alone. I'll be by your side whenever you need me to be."

My heart jumped seeing his smile, but this time I didn't mind. "Thanks princess. You always did seem to know what to say to make me feel better."

I felt myself blushing at his words. Then his phone buzzed and he pulled it out to check his message. When he unlocked it my heart dropped to what was on screen.

It was only a few seconds, but I was able to catch the list of messages covering the entire phone and they were all paired with a female name.

Brittany, Stephanie, Michelle, Amanda, all saying how they missed him and they hoped to see him again. Then there was the most recent message, the one he was responding to.


I see, I see you talking to them girls on your phone
I wish that I could tell them all to leave you alone

Of course, what else did I suspect? Who else could he possibly be talking? Adrien was perfect, he was bound to catch the attention of every eligible girl he meets. I could never compare.

I slowly removed my hand away from Adrien and scolded myself for even considering the possibility that things could ever change.

"Sorry, I guess people found out about my arrival sooner than I hoped." He said putting his phone away. "A photographer must have caught my picture somewhere."

"You don't think they're taking pictures of us right now do you?" I asked out of fear due to our kwamis exposure.

"No it must have been from earlier. I don't word would have gotten out that fast." He chuckled again. "Besides even if they did, kwamis can't be photographed or recorded remember?"

I nodded, I guess that means we're okay, but it still doesn't help the aching feeling in my chest seeing all those messages. Has Adrien had other girlfriends while he was away? Are him and Kagami back together? Did they ever stop dating in the first place?

Is this my punishment for never giving Chat Noir a chance?

Really didn't know back then
But right now I'm totally sure
That I wanna be much more

"So...um..how is Kagami doing?" I'm not sure why I'm asking this. I just felt like I needed to know where their relationship stood.

"I'm not sure." He replied. "I haven't talked to her in awhile I've only just gotten a text from her now."

Okay...so that means they aren't dating then, but it doesn't mean they still aren't heading in that direction.

I never really liked your girlfriends
Never really gave them a chance

What am I thinking? It's none of my business who Adrien dates. I really do need to get my feelings in check and to do that I think I need to distance myself from Adrien for awhile.

"Well I'm sure you'd like to go see everyone now so I wont take anymore of your time." I stood up from the bench. "My car's not too far from here, I'll take you anywhere you need to go."

"Marinette wait!" He grabbed my arm halting my movement entirely and I looked back to see what was the matter. His face was red and he looked embarrassed, but still held my arm gently. "Actually I still have time, I don't have to really be anywhere for a few hours. I'd really like to talk to you some more...if you don't mind."

I wanted to say 'no.' I SHOULD have said 'no' and yet something entirely different left my mouth instead. "Okay...what do you want to do?"

"Do you think maybe we could stop by your parents bakery?" He asked grinning down at me. "I've been dying to have one of their croissants again and Plagg really missed eating your homemade cheese bread."

There was something off about his request. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was making up ways to keep me around for as long as possible.

And yet, I can't fight off the want to be around him as well.

"Okay." I said. "We can do that."

"Great!" Adrien let go of my arm and grabbed my hand instead. "You said your car was nearby right?"

I blinked at our hands entwined, but shook of the heated feeling. "Yeah, it's right around the corner."

Adrien began to drag me out of the park and I was given no choice, but to follow. As we walk, I couldn't deny how right it felt to have him close to me like this with our hands linked together.

Cause I realized that I'm your woman
Your woman


Sorry if the oblivious scale is higher than usual. Got to keep this train rolling somehow.

And don't worry you'll find out what really happened at the New Years party with Kagami eventually.

Let's just say there is a huge lack of communication happening here.

Ciao for now!

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