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⦁ Stress ✗ → Stranger's thoughts ← ✗

You know, I've ever thought about suiciding. And it's all because of stress.

I figured trying to pull every single strand left of my hair wasn't painful and enough as a way for  me to endure the kind of bullshit stress I have to face everyday. Do you know how tired I am; how sick I am of stress? I get stressed out almost as easily as a kluts failing to balance for more than one minute, just by walking along the straight line drawn on the ground.

I tried screaming and crying, but nothing was working. Screaming wasn't making me feel any less better because at the end of the day, somewhere in my was going to hurt. My throat. And my abdomen muscles for exerting too much strength while I screamed at the top of my lungs, in the beach. Crying did me harm. It made my eyes swollen and it made me a huge mess. Besides wasting fluid in my body, I was also wasting energy. Hell, by screaming, more energy is wasted.

Nothing was working. Nothing was working. Nothing was working.

I tried to slit my wrists to take the pain away. And for a moment, as I stared at the tiny drops of scarlet liquid drops drip down my arm and stain the sleeve of my blouse, it seemed like I was relieved from the pain and I felt normal again; free again. But after some time, six months later... It didn't work out. The pain came back. The stress came running back, haunting me all over again.

And I hated my life.

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