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Donghyuck starts to run with the kids, he doesn't know where to go because he doesn't know where does he and Jisung lives. "hey Minhyung where are we going?" "Donghyuck, I don't really have an idea where to go" Donghyuck's eyes widens to what Minhyung said "l-lets just go back to the orphanage" Minhyung clicked his tongue "go back there alone I don't want to be there anymore" Donghyuck wants to cry but he try not to "but I don't know how to go back" Minhyung laughs "find the way back by yourself Donghyuck, see you soon" Minhyung and his 3 friends runs away and left the crying Donghyuck on the street.

Donghyuck walks on to where his feet bring him, he's hungry, tired and scared because his mom told him that once it's already dark outside monsters, bad people and aliens are there. He's walking while crying when a kid
approached him "hello hyung! Why are you crying?" Donghyuck just stare at him, "I'm lost and I don't know how to go back home" the kid smiles as he holds Donghyuck's hand. "mama! Can we please let him sleep with us" Donghyuck cutted the kid's sentence "y-you sleep here? Outside?" the kid nodded. "it's not scary?" the woman smiles because of how innocent Donghyuck is. "it's not dangerous here lil man, whats your name?" Donghyuck smiles I'm Lee Donghyuck" the kid smiles "hyung, I'm Chenle"
(A/N: I'm very sorry if I made Chenle a poor kid here. I just wanted to try something new I mean we all knew how rich he is so why no make something new for you guys to imagine about him)

After some story telling, Donghyuck fell asleep together with the woman and the kid not even aware of what will happen the next day

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