Entry 17

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The next day was Sunday, and Maria sat beside Carmen on her bed

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The next day was Sunday, and Maria sat beside Carmen on her bed. Carmen was scrolling through her phone, and it was a quiet day.

Maria thought about how, were she back at the compound, she would have been going to her second service of the day, before she started her nighttime prayers. If she was lucky, there would have been stale cake for dessert.

She glanced over at Carmen, and admired her face. It was pretty, and pale. It was her girlfriend's face. Her girlfriend.

She felt content. Still, there was a question that had been plaguing her mind since they had gotten home last night.

Had they had sex? Was that sex?

She's your girlfriend now, right? Just ask her! It's stupid to be embarrassed at this point.

She cleared her throat.

"Uhm, Carmen?" She said.

Carmen broke her attention away from her phone.

"What, uh, yeah?"

"About yesterday. Did we, uh, have... sex?"

Carmen blinked.

"I mean, yeah? Didn't you come?"

"Yes." Maria shifted around in her discomfort. "I just wasn't sure... what... counted."

Carmen scoffed.

"What, are you thinking about the church elders again?" Maria blushed. "What, do I need to go get a strap on and top you so it 'counts'?"

Top me?

Strap on?

Maria's eyes widened in the strangest mixture of confusion, fear, and arousal she'd ever felt.

She shook her head.

"I'm sorry." She said. "I just— I don't really know anything, and I feel stupid because of it."

Carmen opened her mouth, and immediately closed it. She took in a deep breath, and wrapped her arm around Maria.

"No, I'm sorry. I'm getting defensive again, and for no reason. Did you want to talk about it?"

"It's just...well..." Maria continued shifting in an effort to settle down. "I wanted to do more but... I don't know where to start. Last night was the first time I'd ever even had an orgasm."

Carmen gaped at her.

"I, uh, I didn't know." Now it was Carmen's turn to awkwardly squirm around. "You mean you never even... touched yourself or anything?"

Maria shook her head.

"I didn't even know I could..." Maria trailed off. "But... there's something else I wanted to tell you."

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