chapter 10

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I wake up to see everyone talking in my room.
"What the fuck." I yawn.
"Today your leaving the Hospital. We have been waiting forever for this moment." Felicía says.
"Okay???" I say.
I look to the right of me and see Benito. He smiles at me and I smile back. The doctor walks in and says this,
"We have to one more test and if you pass, you can go home and do what you do."
"Can they stay in here." I ask.
"Of coarse they can." He says.
He puts a needle with a wire hooked up to a tablet. After a couple of minutes he says,
"Your free to go. Put on your clothes and sign out." He says and unconnects the IV from me.
"Ok." I say excitedly.
Everyone leaves the room and I put on my clothes. A white crop top that says queen, black sweat pants, and black and white high tops. Great. I'm uncomfortable. Long pants. Doesn't she know I don't like them. I get out of the room with my stuff and look around. There probably in the waiting room. I walk to the waiting room and there they are. I walk over to them and say,
"Look who's out bitches."
They cheer a little bit until Dylan says,
"Gotta sign out first."
I roll my eyes and walk over to the sign in/ sign out window and wait until the girl looks up.
"Which one." She says a little annoyed.
Looks like I found that girl who doesn't like her job.
"Out." I say.
"Lilianna García."
She checks through her computer and nods.
"There you are. You can go now." She says.
"Thank you."
"Your welcome I guess." She says.
I walk over to the group and say,
"Now I'm fully out bitches." I say.
"Lets go!" Felicía says.
We go to our cars while talking and having fun.
"Mom is at the house. She is having Felicía's room and Felicía is sharing a room with you." Dylan says.
"Fine with me." I shrug my shoulders.
"Yay!" Felicía yells.
"Oh, and while you were asleep, you can say, we met some of Lucas's friends. There at the house now." Antonio says.
Ok. So there hanging out with my mom. Weird. They will leave complete strangers of my mom, with my mom. There so god dam dumb.
"Well, see you tomorrow to shoot, don't do what you did last time, ok." Cardi says.
"Ok ok. And see ya." I say.
She walks over to an uber and all there is left is my siblings, Felicía, and Benito. Everyone gets in the car except me and Benito. He drove himself.
"Talk tonight?" He asks.
"Meet me at the skate park at 11."
"Ok. It's a date." I say.
He blushes a little and nods. He walks away to his car while I get in the passenger's seat.
"What was that about." Felića asks.
"Nothing." I say while putting on my seatbelt.
Felicía starts to drive home. We soon get there and see 3 cars. A lambo, Ferrari, and a Toyota.
"What the fuck." I say looking out the window.
"Oh. That's Lucas's friends car, he has the Toyota." Dylan says.
Once Felicía parks, I rush out and look at the cars. Pure beauty. I go inside to see 3 boys and 1 girl on 1 of the boys lap. They turn there head to look at us. Lucas smiles at me and I smile back.
"Hey." I say shyly.
"Hey." They all say.
Lucas walks over to me and gives me a hug that I gladly except. He let's go and says,
"Your out of the hospital finally."
"Yeah I am." I say.
" uh-hum." The girl says.
"Oh how rude I am. This is Ivory, Shawn, and Haden. Ivory and Shawn are dating. I'm single and so I'd Haden." He says.
I wave to them and Ivory gets up.
"Hi, I'm Ivory Macrina. Nice to meet ya." She says.
"Hi, I'm Lilianna, but you can call me Lili."
"I already knew that silly, I'm a fan. Not like a crazy fan girl, just a calm nice fan. I kinda have fans myself so I know what they are like. Oh did you know I'm Youtube famous. That's how I got fans," she blabbers.
Shawn gets up and interrupts her and says,
"She is a blabber mouth. You will get used to it if you are with her enough."
"Oh yeah, btw, I'm Shawn's girlfriend, I hope we can be great friends." She says.
"Me too. You seem cool." I say.
I feel buzzing in my pockets and see what it is. Benito is calling me.
"Um, excuse me." I say.
I go to my room quickly and answer it. We talk for a little bit, make jokes, and just try to make each other laugh. We ended the 5 minute call that we were in and I go back downstairs.
"Sorry. A friend called." I say.
Haden walked over to me and smiled.
"Hi. I'm Haden Scully." He introduces.
"Again, I'm Lili." I say.
"Well, wanna go to the beach?" Felicía says.
"We didn't bring our bathing suits." Ivory said.
"You can use ours. Duh." I say.
"Thanks. But we don't wanna intrude. You just met us. That's rude." Shawn said.
''It's ok. We don't care." Dylan said.
"Ok, if your fine with it." Haden said.
"It's cool with me." Lucas said. The boys go to Dylan's room while ivory goes to me and Felicía's.
She picks it out of Fel's and get changed into it. I changes into mine while Felicía does the same. We go out to see the boys gone.
"Their either being like girls and still be picking their bathing suits, or outside already." Ivory says.
We go outside to see the boys out there. We walk up and see the boys staring us down.
"What, never seen a girl in a bathing suit." I say.
"You know what. Let's stop." Dylan says.

4 hours later.

It's right now 4 and we decided to get froyo. We get changed into regular clothes and we go. We finally get there and I get a Peanut butter flavor. I put some toppings including, butterfingers, Reeses, peanut butter sauce, and whip cream. I sit down at a table and soon everyone joins in. I sit in between Lucas and Ivory. We have our fun for an hour and decided to walk on the boardwalk.
"Lets gooooooo!" I yell.
The Froyo place is like right next to the board walk so we just walk there. We get there and just walk and talk, enjoying each other's company. I got to know Ivory a lot. There were times where me and Lucas would be so close we could hold hands. Our hands just brushing up against each other.
"So, do you have a boyfriend." Ivory asks.
"No, yet I have 2 boys in mind, both I just met. But the one, I feel I have a life together." I say.
"Who?" Haden says.
"Um. I can't tell you cause it's a secret, but the first one starts with B and ends with O. The second one is starts with L and ends with S." I say.
"And I know both already." Felicía says winking at me.
"I know the 2nd one." Lucas says.
I blushed a little.
"But, it's the people you least expected." I say.

2 hours later

I'm right now home, my legs are hurting bad. Everyone left exept the people who live here. It's 7:55. I can't wait until 11. I still have 3 hours and 5 minutes.
"Wanna watch my movie I made last year?" I ask.
"The Greatest Showman?" Felicía asks.
"Duh. What else." I say.
"Sure." Felicía says.
"Yay!" Antonio says.
"Wtf. Since when did you like me."
"Since now." He says.
He jumps on the couch next to me and then everyone joins in. We get comfy and then it on. We quiet down and watch it.

2 hours later

It's right now 10:30. Everyone is asleep. I better get going. I wiggle out of Antonio's grip and grab my skateboard. I'll walk there. I go outside and start walking. I finally get there at 10:58. 2 minutes early. It's ok. I sit down and wait for him to pull up. Exactly at 11, he pulls up and gets out.
"I thought I was gonna get here first." He says walking towards me.
"Why, cause Imma girl." I say.
"No, it's cause I left the house early and thought I was gonna get here a little early but something happened that got me delayed." He says.
He finally was in eyesight view so I stood up. I look at his lips to see it bleeding.
"Omg, Be Benito, your bleeding." I say with concern in my voice.
"Oh it's nothing." He says.
"Well, let me at least clean it up." I say.
I grab a napkin out of my hoodie pocket and start to dab it on his lip.
"There." I say.
He sits down on the ledge I was sitting at and I sat down shortly after. We talked for what seemed like hours, but really it was 30 minutes. I yawned a bit.
"Lets get you back home." He says.
"Well, I don't have a car. I walked." I say.
"You walked." He said.
"I just said that." I say.
"I could drive you." He says.
We get in his car and he starts driving. Of course I told him which ways to go cause he didn't know. We finally get there and I get out of the car. He gets out with me and walks me to the door. Once we're there he says,
"Had a good time."
"I did to."
He looks at me and then my lips. I look up at him and smile. He cups my chin with his hand and looks at me. I go on my tiptoes and he uses his other hand to wrap around my back. Then all the sudden, he smashes his lips into mine. I immediately kiss back.
He licked my bottom lick to ask for permission and i gladly accepted. Our lips move in sync a we stay like that for a while.
We pulled apart and I laughed. He has lipstick all over his lips.
"What? Was it bad?" He asks.
"No. It was good, but now you have lipstick all over." I say.
"Oh." He says.
"Well. I will see you tomorrow?" I ask.
"Most definitely." He says.
"Ok." I say.
He kisses my forehead and leaves. Before he opens his door, he waves to me and i wave back. I go inside the house. I go to my room and put my pjs on. I get in my bed and smile to myself.
I close my eyes and soon dark takes over.

Dreams do come true

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