Their S/O Has A Weird "Talent"

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requested by @mywilltoliveisgone
hoped you liked them :))


You were spending time in the Misfits' office with the rest of the boys and employees. You were chatting with Toby and Cameron when Ryan stood from his desk. "Alright, time for our meeting, everyone!" He announced. Everyone followed as you looked for Jay. Jay stood with his hand stretched out for yours. "Come on, babe."
Jay sat at one of the seats, but Matt and Eric took the seats next to him. "Jay," you tugged on his sleeve. "Can I sit on your lap?" Jay wordlessly answered by pulling you by your waist.
'It was boring' was the biggest fucking understatement in the world at the moment. You listened and listened to plans for new merch drops and video ideas while doodling on the pad of paper in front of you. After another hour passed, you began flipping Jay's pen over your fingers skillfully. You never knew why you were so good at it, it was just a natural, albeit weird, talent you had. It caught Jay's attention from the corner of his eye.
"How the fuck do you do that?" He whispered, pulling your waist to catch your attention. "I dunno," you shrugged, doing more flips with the pen. "I just can." You both laughed, but Jay quickly went back to focusing on what Ryan was saying. He hid his face inbetween your shoulder blades as he got softer and softer thinking about all the things he has yet to learn about you.

You and the other misfits were driving to IEM Sydney for, what felt like years, now. You laid on the bed in the back of the RV with Matt, who was half asleep. You looked for things to do after closing and opening your social media apps for the 100th time.
You glanced around from your spot on the bed to see Mason blowing bubbles with his gum. "Hey, Macey, do you have more gum?" He nodded, throwing you the stick of gum from his place in the RV.
You blew a huge bubble easily, always being able to.
"What the fuck?!" Eric shouted, pointing at how big your bubble was. Mason's bubbles were about the size a golf ball while your's were as big as your head. Matt's eyes widen as he glanced over to see you.
You popped the bubble, looking at all of them confused. "What?" "How do you do that?!" Eric laughed. "What do you mean? It's easy?" You were so confused. You thought everyone could blow bubbles like you.
Mason gave everyone a piece of gum, all of the boys challenging you, but losing miserably. Matt gave up, admiring you as you laughed with his friends.

You sat out of frame as the misfits made a video of them opening mail from their P.O. Box. The boys set all the opened package to the side, keeping all the personal gifts and group gifts separate.
They were about halfway through all the packages when you started looking through all of Eric's gifts. Your eyes sparkled at the sight of the Rubik's cube, quickly taking it into your hands.
You quickly began solving it, catching the attention of everyone. As you caught their eyes, your eyes widened and you blushed. "Oh, sorry, am I being too loud?" "How the fuck are you doing that, cunt?" Mason asked, going to sit next to you. Ryan panned the camera over to you and Mason, making you look at Eric. "Make sure to not show her face, dude."
Everyone wanted to time you, making you laugh when they saw that it took you about 20 seconds.
Later in the video, you could be seen, with your face blurred, blowing all of the guys' minds with your weird talent.

(this is my weird "talent" which is dumb cause im tHE CLUMSIEST PERSON EVER)
You laid across Cameron's lap while he sat at his desk, emailing people back. You took the final sip from your water bottle, twisting the cap back on. "Bet I can make this." You teased, aiming to the recycling bin across the room. "What do you wanna bet?" "A kiss?" "Okay, big bet." Cameron said, turning his attention from his computer to you.
You throw the bottle and it easily falls into the bin. Ryan and Sam cheered from their desks. "Yo, was that Y/N?!" Toby asked, peeking his head out of his office.
You pursed your lips towards Cameron. Cameron pressed his fingers to your lips. "Best out of three." You smiled. "Then raise the stakes. . ." Cameron raised his eyebrow at you. "Oh, I have something in mind. . ." Cameron flirted. You got off his lap, running around people's desks and taking their empty bottles. Everyone surrounded you, some hyping you up. You aimed, winking at Cameron before throwing the bottle, making the shot.

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