Chapter 2

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Once dad opened the door, it was like something you'd see in a dream. Everyone decorated their houses with hanging lights that shined beautifully in the afternoon. They even decorated the bushes close to their houses.

Lanterns were hanging on poles, pups were playing with sparklers. I could smell the amazing food leading to the packhouse. Everything was just so breathtaking that I couldn't help but smile.

"They really went all out." Cage said with a sly smile spread across his face. My big brother Tristan groaned in agreement.

"Alright everyone lets get going to the packhouse." My dad said, taking mom's hand. Tristan picked up Tala so she could see everything better.

As we started walking to the packhouse, I couldn't help but watch mom and dad holding hands. The love they show each other is amazing, growing up I wanted that kind of love for me and my mate. I always wondered what my mate would be like.

I'm guessing my twin brother noticed I was watching them hold hands since he said "Thinking about love sis~?" He wiggled his eyebrows at me while I rolled my eyes and smiled at him.

"Do you ever wonder what your mate will be like?" I ask looking at the ground as we walk. It takes him a bit to respond before he says "I mean as long as she got a nice bod~" I look back up at him with an about-face. He smirks down at me playfully "I'm being serious." I smack his chest with a bit of force.

He chuckled and before I knew it, we were walking into the packhouse. Alpha Leo was walking toured us with great speed, giving my dad a bear hug once he reached us.

"It's been to long my friend!" He gave my dad a manly pat on the back before pulling away to look at his face. "My friend you have gotten old." A bright smile spread across his face, my dad groaning in disapproval. "You make a welcome home party for me then call me old." My dad gave him a look which made Alpha Leo smile even brighter.

As Alpha Leo was about to say something a pack member came up and said: "Alpha everything is ready." Alpha Leo turned to the pack member saying "Alright thank you." The pack member bowed before leaving.

Alpha Leo then turned back to my family "Tonight is a celebration for your return! I will not keep you from having fun." He smirked playfully, turning in the direction in which the pack member came. "Follow me so we can get this party started!" The Alpha walked with pride as we followed after him.

Once we got out to the back of the packhouse, I saw a long table of different kinds of food, lanterns scattered everywhere, music playing while people were dancing and eating together.

As I was in awe from everything Alpha Leo clinked his glass silencing everyone to a complete stop. Everyone looking in the direction of their alpha.

"I want to officially announce the return of my Beta and his family!" Alpha Leo said with a war cry, making everyone cheer with him. 

Some of the pack started to surround my mom and dad. I'm sure to ask them questions about everything. My siblings and I walked away from the crowd that was forming around them. My brother Tristan let Tala down so she could go play with the other pups that were playing with sparklers. 

Tala pulls on my dress slightly, so I go down to her level. She smiled at me cutely before placing a little kiss on my cheek, then running with much excitement to the little group of pups. 

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